vendredi 8 novembre 2013

How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads can well be described as the little, bad, black faced blocking agents that clog your pores to devoid your skin of that natural glow and smoothness. Along with being a beauty problem, black heads are a skin problem too; not only your flawless look but the health of your skin is at stake. If you don't learn how to get rid of blackheads they can develop into bigger blackheads that would leave a visible hole in the skin when removed, or they can get infected and cause acne which is painful and require a more time consuming treatment.
Before we start looking at how to discard and treat blackheads, it's important to look at the problem itself, understand it and know its causes.
Technically, a blackhead is an open comedo. A comedo is a skin follicle (pore) full of excess keratin (a kind of skin building protein) and sebum (greasy oil-like substance secreted by sebaceous glands). Oxidation makes the blockage appear black at the top and hence the name 'blackheads'.
The question is why the skin produces excess sebum and keratin. The excess keratin comes from the un-removed dead skin cells and the excess sebum (oil) production can be a result of hormonal changes that the human body undergoes during puberty, pregnancy, while taking certain drugs or while going through certain health problems like Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Another factor that might be causing blackheads or acne is genetics. This problem is hereditary, and learning how eliminate blackheads may be a family remedy.
Since it is a blockage, in order to get rid of blackheads the first step is to cleanse the skin and rinse off all the matter that may clog the pores. Using a good face wash that suits your skin type will help improve your skin hygiene and minimize such problems. A good skin cleansing routine will take the excess oil and dead skin off and thus prevent the buildup and clogging.
Before Googling 'how to get rid of blackheads', Google your lifestyle and habits. Improving your lifestyle and modifying your habits can also play an important role in improving your general health, your skin and help preventing and curing blackheads.
Using substandard makeup products or using products that do not suit your skin type can take a toll on the health of your skin and stimulate blackheads. Not removing makeup can also lead to clogged pores and create problems like acne. So, love and pamper your skin with the right products and cleanse it regularly.
Consuming excessive amounts of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks can create a hormonal imbalance and also affect the quality of your skin in general; this can give rise to blackheads. Keep a check on what you put into your body and it will help check blackheads.
Not treating blackheads when they first appear can intensify the problem and the blackheads might turn really big and become more visible. Always be on the lookout and treat them as soon as you see them.
If you're sleeping less than what your body requires, there can be an imbalance in your hormones which can give rise to sebum production and cause skin problems like blackheads.
Consider these simple changes in your way of life and you shall see the glow of your blackheads free skin.
Blackheads are a nuisance. Painful, and in extreme cases can require medical attention. Everyone is afflicted with blackheads at some time in their life. Learn how to get rid of blackheads safely and with remedies that really work:

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How to Get Rid of Blackheads on the Nose

Blackheads are one of the most common of skin problems. They can show up anytime and almost anywhere on the body. However the skin on the face, neck, chest, and back is more prone to getting blackheads as it has a higher number of sebaceous glands. A slight increase in the production of sebum clogs the hair follicles in these areas and blackheads appear.
Of all locations, probably the blackheads on the nose or anywhere on the face are the most irritating. Not because they cause more pain or they are more serious, but because they are more visible and have a sense of embarrassment attached with them. Facial skin on and around the nose seems to be the most productive area when it comes to blackheads. Again, the nasal region has the highest concentration of the sebaceous glands so the skin pores in this area can easily get clogged and develop blackheads. The problem intensifies if you have oily skin. There are many people who do not get blackheads on any other part of their body, and only fret with learning how to get rid of blackheads on the nose.
Let us look at some easy ways of how to get rid of blackheads on the nose.
Use a good facial scrub to scrape off the dead skin from your nose. Wet your face with warm water and rub or scrub in a circular motion with the help of your fingers on and around the nose. Doing this on a regular basis will help in keeping the pores clear and keep the blackheads away. Also, this will pull some of the blackheads out.
Warm your nose pores by using facial saunas or simply by taking steam from a pot of boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Once the skin of the nose is warm and soft, exfoliate using a scrubbing sponge or a clean cotton towel is how to get rid of blackheads on the nose. You can even use a blackhead removing tweezers; pluck the stubborn ones out. They will pluck out easily as the hot steam softens the skin and loosens the pores.
If you are short of time and want a quick fix, go for the commercially available nose strips that easily get rid of blackheads on the nose and give you that clean and clear look. But remember that these nose strips are only a quick fix and they do not prevent the problem. Also, they can't pull out the deeper or very small blackheads that are stuck deep inside the skin.
If your skin is oily, clean it more often with a gentle face wash so that the excess oil does not clog the pores.
Keep a watch. If there are any make up products or facial cleansers that cause irritation to your skin, they might be causing skin infections or problems like blackheads. Avoid or discontinue using these products. Remember, sometimes prevention is the best cure.
If your blackheads are very stubborn and do not respond to any of these treatments then it is better to consult a dermatologist or a skin care professional. Never try to squeeze or press out your blackheads as this might worsen the problem. The infection can spread and become more severe. Also, squeezing the blackheads out would leave craters on the face and make it look even worse.
Blackheads are a nuisance. Painful, and in extreme cases can require medical attention. Everyone is afflicted with blackheads at some time in their life. Learn how to get rid of blackheads safely and with remedies that really work:

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Getting Rid of Blackheads: Home Remedies

Home remedies... they always seem to work better than that expensive store bought stuff. But, what can you use from home that can help you have clear skin?
Let's find out...
Getting rid of blackheads is absolutely necessary in order to make your skin look perfect. Not only that but it is also important to keep the blackheads from becoming bigger and more severe, and keeping the infection away. An untreated and infected blackhead often develops into a painful and ugly pimple that soon results in an outbreak of an acne problem.
The million dollar question here is - what are the magic tricks that can work wonders on the skin and help get rid of blackheads? Or are there really any magic tricks? Well, to put it straight there are no magic tricks as such, especially when it is about preventing blackheads. But a regular, healthy, nourishing and effective skin cleansing routine can actually work wonders and not only remove but keep blackheads away. And you don't need to spend a fortune on buying those expensive skin care products or treatment kits that promise the world and deliver... well let's leave it to those who use them. There are some amazing home remedies that, though inexpensive, work very effectively in getting rid of blackheads and with consistent use prevent them too!
Let's have a look at some of the home remedies that have been used and trusted by many for effective cure of this common skin ailment.
Baking soda is known to be a cleansing agent. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with warm water to make a somewhat liquid paste. Rub it on to your skin like a scrub using your fingers in circular motion. Leave it on to dry. Rinse off with warm water. Regular use will unclog the pores and help remove blackheads.
Make a paste by mixing sugar and fresh lemon juice. Use it like a scrub on the affected area and wash it off with cold water. The rough texture of sugar helps remove the dead skin and lemon juice works like a cleansing agent by removing excess oil.
Make a paste out of nutmeg powder and buttermilk. Rub it on to the affected area like a scrub. The nutmeg powder will remove the excess oil and work as an exfoliating agent, and the buttermilk will help loosen the dead skin and remove it.
Clay mask is the good old way of rejuvenating the skin and it also helps in getting rid of blackheads. Take a facial clay that you like, it doesn't have to be expensive. Mix it with plain water or fruit vinegar and apply on the affected area. Let it dry. Then wet it with a damp sponge or cloth and rinse off with cold water. Regular use will definitely help remove blackheads by checking excess oil and clearing the pores.
Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with some milk. You can also add some chick pea flour or sandalwood powder to this. Make a paste and apply it all over the affected area. Turmeric is a great antiseptic and it also cleanses and improves the skin. Chickpea flower works like an exfoliating agent and milk helps loosen dead skin. Sandalwood powder adds that extra touch and imparts fragrance along with giving a cooling effect.
While all these home remedies work great in getting rid of blackheads, it is important to choose one that best suits your skin. After zeroing in upon your favorite one or a combination, use it regularly to cure and prevent blackheads.
Blackheads are a nuisance. Painful, and in extreme cases can require medical attention. Everyone is afflicted with blackheads at some time in their life. Learn how to get rid of blackheads safely and with remedies that really work:

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jeudi 7 novembre 2013

What Are Blackheads and What Causes Them?

Blackheads are among the more commonly experienced problems of people who have acne. They are caused by dead skin cells and bacteria trapped in pores along with your skin's natural oil, which is known as sebum. This causes infection to occur, clogging the pore. In large pores, there will not be any skin to form over that infection. That layer is then exposed to air, which oxidizes it and turns it black. This is why it looks black on the skin surface.
Excess hormones such as those found during puberty and pregnancy, along with monthly cycles, can cause your skin to produce more oil than it needs to keep it moisturized. It becomes blocked in the pore, and doesn't have a natural way to flow to the skin surface. This oil backs up and then mixes with the dead cells of skin that will not be shed in a normal way.
The best way to avoid blackheads is to take an active role in preventing them. Reducing the oil produced in your skin will help. When your skin is very oily, it can clog the pores more easily. If you wash your face too often or too roughly, this causes more oil production. Do not wash your skin for so long that it feels irritated.
Blackheads can ruin your complexion, so it's natural to try to get rid of them as soon as they appear, if you're not successful in preventing them. The skin needs to be kept clean, but not scrubbed with a lot of vigor, to reduce blackhead formation. Skin cleansing products can be too harsh on your facial skin, and if you notice flaking or drying out when you use a facial cleanser, select a different cleanser to use. Choose a cleanser that keeps your face fresh and clean, not irritated.
In addition to not over-scrubbing your face, you may use a product that helps in restoring the normal oil flow from your pores by working to improve the pore lining shape. A good product will reduce the excess oil and absorb what's already there. It will remove the built-up dead skin cells that are not being shed normally by your skin.
Many products don't work as well as they should in this area, which is why keeping the excess oil from being produced is one of the main ways to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. Sometimes a gentle soap and water work better than more aggressive cleansers to keep your skin free of blackheads.
And finally, if you are interested in learning more about how to get rid of blackheads please check out the official site at

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Get Rid of Nose Blackheads

Blackheads are a recurring skin problem for lots of people.
Out of these, a large portion of people suffer from blackheads on the nose.
In this article, we will try to go through the constitution and the cause of blackheads, read some tips to keep blackheads under leash, and even explore a sure-fire method to get rid of nose blackheads for good.
What are Blackheads and how are they formed?
Blackheads are a special kind of acne. However,they are different from the acne in that they are of a darker complexion.
Blackheads generally appear as tiny black or yellowish bumps in the skin.
The medical term for a blackhead is 'Open Comedo'. Another condition exists, namely 'Closed Comedo', more commonly known as 'whitehead'.
How are blackheads formed?
Blackheads are formed due to an increased oil production in the skin. Sebaceous glands under the skin produce an oily fluid called 'sebum' which act as a natural moisturizer of our bodies. Sometimes due to an increased production, the ducts from these glands can get blocked. The oil that is trapped under that stays and gradually gets oxidized, giving it its dark color.
Why are blackheads commonly found on the nose?
The nose falls under the so-called T-region of the face, which is notorious for its hectic oil production. As blackheads generally spawn on areas with high oil production, they have an increased tendency to form at the nose.
How to prevent Blackheads?
Here are some of the general tips and tricks you can follow to keep blackheads from spawning. After all, the best form of offence is defense, right?
  • One major lifestyle change that you can implement, that will bring about a great change is, cut down on the usage of oily foods. This will not only help you combat blackheads, but will improve your whole body's health in general
  • If you are in the habit of wearing too much make-up, start using less of it. Cosmetics have a way of disturbing normal behavior of the skin, and can cause massive blackhead outbreaks if you are not careful.
  • Wash your face whenever you get a chance. Carry a blotting paper with you when you go out into the sun, so you can at least blot your face and keep it clean of impurities.
  • Avoid beauty products that have high oil content
  • Change your sheets and pillowcases more often. A microscopic view of an overused pillowcase may reveal millions of dead cells.
  • Include an exfoliant in your beauty care campaign. Exfoliate regularly to keep your face clear of impurities and dead skin cells.
  • Whenever you cleanse your skin, get in the habit of finishing off with an astringent. It helps contract the skin and close the skin pores so impurities will not be able to get in through the open pores.
  • And most important of all, if you already see the beginnings of an blackhead outbreak, don't squeeze the blackheads. This is the simplest bit of advice, yet the toughest one people find to keep.
The best method to remove blackheads: 5 Steps
The best solution to a problem is always attained by assessing it logically. So, it makes sense to see blackheads for what they are and pull them out from their very root (literally!).
The following method has seen tremendous success with lots of people. It basically employs 5 steps, in order, that you can perform to get rid of nose blackheads.
Without further ado, here are the steps:
Step 1: Open up the Pores
Most people who complain that blackhead products aren't working for them are failing because they are not doing it the right way. For a blackhead removing product to work, first you have to give it access to the blackhead itself.
So the first logical step would be to open up the skin pores.
You can do this in two ways:
  • Get a washcloth and dip it in warm water. Apply the warm washcloth on your face for 10 minutes
  • Alternately, you can just steam your face.
Step 2: Bring out the Blackheads
Now that the pores are all opened up, we now apply a clay mask.
Mix some green clay with rose water and form it into a mask. Apply the mask on your face and sit tight till it dries. Once the mask has dried, wash it off with warm water.
What good does the clay mask do? It exerts a pulling effect on the stuff inside the pores (the blackheads) so that they are brought closer to the skin surface, so that our next step is made easier, which is:
Step 3: Use a Blackhead Extractor
There are several ways you can approach this step. You can use:
  • Pore Strips
  • Blackhead Extractor Tool
  • Blackhead Eliminating Scrub
  • Blackhead Cleanser
  • Definitely not your bare hands!
Use the method you prefer and pull out the blackheads. The process should now have been extremely simplified thanks to our earlier steps of opening the pores and bringing the blackheads out.
I would definitely recommend using pore strips from Biore, as they are the most effective in pulling out deep-seated blackheads in their entirety. Biore has Nose Strips that are super effective to get rid of nose blackheads.
Blackhead extractors are great too, but they require much more work. Scrubs and cleansers are not as effective but they can be great for removing blackheads in harder to reach areas.
After this step, All of the blackheads will have been pulled out. Cleanse your face thoroughly taking extreme care to wash away all remains. If you used any extractor tools, sanitize them also thoroughly.
Now you are good to go.
Step 4: Seal them up
Aren't we forgetting something? Yes, we left the pores open. Wouldn't want them to get all dirty and clogged again would we.
Cleanse your face thoroughly with cold water or apply it using a washcloth dipped in cold water. This will seal the pores shut.
Step 5: Moisturize (Optional)
As an extra measure, apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer and leave your skin soft and hydrated.
These are the 5 steps that you can follow to get rid of nose blackheads for good. Include these in your beauty care campaign and follow it religiously and you should be free from Blackhead attacks.
More on Biore Pore Strips
Biore pore strips are a well known name when it comes to blackhead removal products. The nose strips by Biore has been extremely popular due to their ability to pull out even deep-seated blackheads from the face.
A Biore strip resembles a piece of sticky tape that you can apply on your nose. Leave the pore strip on for some time, and then pull it off your skin in one quick motion. This will pull out most of the blackheads with it. With the specialised Nose strips on offer, this is definitely the easiest way to get rid of nose blackheads.
Blackhead Removal Tools
Blackhead Removal tools are another popular method to pull out blackheads. Though it is a little more time-consuming than simply using a pore strip, it is well suited for the small portion of people who have extremely sensitive skin and cannot use pore strips.
A Blackhead removal / Extractor tool resembles a tweezer, with hooks on both ends. These hooks are what are used to squeeze out the blackheads.
This is akin to squeezing out the blackhead with your fingers, except in this case, it is perfectly safe and doesn't leave a scar.
Blackhead Extractors can be effectively used to squeeze out pimples too.
We have looked at some basic tips and ways to get rid of nose blackheads.
For more details on Blackheads and ways to deal with them, continue reading at this link: Get rid of Nose Blackheads.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight - The Fastest Way

You can learn how to get rid of acne overnight although many of the products that claim they can make this happen are not effective. It may be difficult to rule out the good products from scams and can take a bit of research and understanding of acne problem. There are many products that contain chemicals that can be quite harsh on the skin and other natural products that are not as damaging.
To get rid of acne is necessary to fully understand how acne is formed as several factors come into play. First the skin produce too much oil then clogs the pours. Once the oil is in the pores of the skin bacteria begin to grow and cause inflamed skin. This red and inflamed skin can be very painful. If you pop a pimple it can take twice as long to disappear and cause scarring.
First you want to have clean skin to wash your face with a natural cleaner is better. Natural products are not as strong on the skin and does not cause other skin problems such as hair. Ice is always good for inflammation as forward and apply some ice on your face and you will notice the decreasing grain size and redness. While ice can make it disappear improve things much.
Certain products such as tea tree oil and lemon juice works wonders as these products are antibacterial. You can also apply toothpaste because the beans are dried and is also inflammation. Toothpaste works well on burns and works the same way on acne.
Using sandalwood powder is a great way to stop acne and reduce any scaring. You must make a paste with sandalwood powder and water or milk. Then apply this to your face and leave it overnight. In the morning you will realize that acne has disappeared and the smaller pores.
You can also make a solution of honey and cinnamon powder and apply liberally to the face. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash. These products are very strong antibacterial products and have an immediate effect on acne.
It is important that you get acne away to avoid any form again. This means you need to use a skin care regimen that includes a good cleanser, toner and a good moisturizer.
I really hope that this information helps in your quest to get rid of acne overnight. Remember that acne is not a nightmare although you may feel like that. It is often a response to the lifestyle and environmental factors. Take time to see what you can change to prevent the occurrence of acne. I hope that you will find relief for emergency situations from the resources listed above. But if you want more effective and faster solution for your acne problem then i suggest you visit this presentation for more info How to get rid of acne overnight.
Everyone wants clear skin without acne but not all can achieve that not because their skin cant be cured but because those people dont look for a solution.
Don't be one of those the solution is right under your nose just CLICK HERE How to get rid of acne overnight

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Causes, Cures and Other Things You May Not Know About Acne

The common cold and acne have one thing in common. Most people have to deal with both conditions at some time during their life, and it's difficult to find solutions for either problem.
However, you can find many treatment regimens to help make your acne manageable. Acne even confounds the medical researchers. They aren't sure if what you eat, for example, is a major cause of acne, or maybe your stress level is responsible. Despite this fact, you can discover the treatment regimen that works for your acne by trying several of the treatments that we will be talking about in this article.
This is one of the negative actions that people take that makes their acne cause scars and last longer. When you do wash your face, make sure you use a gentle touch and, perhaps, an antibacterial soap or a soap with all natural ingredients. You can find very nice all-natural soaps that use the essential oil which helps combat acne. When you apply anything to your face, do so gently, as anything you do to irritate your skin will only make your acne stay around longer.
Many people believe that acne is caused by poor hygiene, but this isn't the case. Bacteria are one of the main causes of acne, along with dead skin cells and too much oil. While it's a good idea to keep your skin clean and to use products that kill bacteria, don't make the mistake of thinking that washing your face many times per day will heal your acne faster. This may be counterproductive, as you can actually irritate your skin by using too much soap or even acne products if you exceed the recommended dosage.
Acne is just one ailment in the long list of medical conditions that can be helped by green tea. Not only can you enjoy a good cup of green tea, but you can take green tea supplements or you can use the tea straight on your skin. Simply preparing and drinking two or three cups of green tea each day will benefit your health and acts as a mild stimulant. Otherwise, you can find it in capsule form, which can be a way to get the recommended dosage in a concentrated form. Another easy method is to dab green tea on your acne. The simplest way to apply green tea to your skin is to buy tea bags of green tea. Soak the tea bags in a little warm water and then pat the bags gently on your acne areas.
If you have a stubborn case of acne, one type of treatment that might help you is laser or light based therapies. Your dermatologist will be able to explain in detail what exactly happens with this particular treatment. Typically, this particular laser acne treatment is used in conjunction with medication for most people. The bacteria in your face that causes acne to target of all light and laser therapy. This type of treatment, like most others, is only temporary and won't stop acne from occurring in the future. One other point to make: these types of treatments are extremely expensive so you probably should have insurance before going in. The type of skin that you have, and how bad your acne is, limits the techniques in which your acne can be treated. If natural and over-the-counter remedies don't work, you should consult with a dermatologist, who can give you stronger medications.
James Drain is a health and fitness blogger and enthusiast that reviews and tests multiple products for giving readers to get the truth and accuracy of the product being reviewed and how well the products works. To learn more about Acne No More and how to get rid of acne for good naturally, click the link to get access to my blog.

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Home Remedies For Acne - How to Get Rid Of Acne

The Best Home Remedy For Acne
The oldest home remedy for acne still holds true. If you really want to get rid of acne and even reduce some of your acne scars, try doing the tried and tested facial steam. Facial steams are guaranteed to work on any type of skin and with some degree of acne. Note that it can only be done about twice a week but no more because it can actually dry your face out. First, wash your face with very cold water and pat it dry. Place two cups of salt in a shallow bowl and slowly pour boiling water into it so that it dissolves. Put your head over the bowl and cover it with a large towel and stay put for thirty minutes. Afterward, pat your skin very well to remove all the impurities and oils that have drained from the pores. Then wash your face. Voila! All done.
Using Lanolin
Lanolin is a form of wax that sheep produce to protect their skin and wool from the environment and the climate. People usually obtain lanolin by extracting the wax from the wool while it is being pressed. People have been using lanolin a long time in terms of cosmetics because it protects human skin the same way it protects the sheep's skin. Lanolin and its derivatives can get rid of acne scars when it is blended with camphorated oil and peanut oil. Although the surface scars may take one to two months to heal, the treatment for the deeper scars may take up to two years. But many people have tried this method and claim that it works - not only for acne scars but for other scars as well. Lanolin can get rid of scars because of its effect on cell rejuvenation like Aloe Vera which speeds the healing process.
Using Castor Oil
Getting rid of acne scars can be done in the comfort of your own home using household products. It is a treatment which must be done twice per week. First, rub the castor oil on your face and after two minutes lean over a steaming bowl of water and cover your head with a towel. You may wonder why oil would be used if all oils do is clog the pores. In the case of castor oil, however, it rather softens the skin without clogging the pores. Afterwards, cover your face with a baking soda paste - made with water - and gently rub it in with circular motions. Keep going for a few minutes then gently rinse the paste off and pat your face dry. Finally, pour some lemon juice into a very clean spray bottle and gently apply it to your skin. Getting rid of acne scars is process with which you need to maintain patience.
Using Peeling
Getting rid of acne scars can be done with different kinds of chemical peels. However, the side effects of chemical peels is that, after it is done, the patient often suffers from reddening of the skin, and flaking from between one week to almost a year after the procedure is over. The first one is called a superficial peel where only the first layer of skin is removed. This process only removes the dark spots and has a minimal effect on shallow scars. Then there is the medium-depth chemical peel, and depending on the depth achieved, may remove the shallow scars and minimize the deeper scars. Finally there is the laser-peel which, unlike the chemical peels which use acids to remove the skin, uses laser energy to peel away at the layers of the skin. This type of peel works for the deeper scars which occur commonly on the cheeks.
If you are looking for the best home remedies for acne [], you can always visit []. By visiting the site you will not only learn about home remedies for acne scars, but you will also learn how to apply the remedies to successfully eliminate acne. What are you waiting, be acne free now!

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Treating Acne Vulgaris, An Alternative To Antibiotics

The following information will help you care for your complexion and tackle that persistent acne vulgaris, should the use of antibiotics not be an option.
Be sure to avoid the combining of any acne creams. People are under the impression that combining different acne therapies together will create a speedy solution. When you consider the strength of the ingredients; if combined instead of being applied as per the instructions on the packing, you could create additional damage and potentially introduce unwelcome health risks. Therefore it is always wise to follow the instructions on the packing, and if in doubt consult with a professional such as a dermatologist, pharmacist or physician.
If your skin exhibits red, inflamed or painful pimples, avoid picking at them. Treat them with ice (wrapped in a towel) to the area for approximately 20 minutes. Using ice will reduce swelling and redness. Ice can be used in place of an anti-inflammatory drug that could irritate the acne even more than what it is.
Picking off pimples is never a good idea. By doing so you risk spreading the bacteria that causes the pimples, making things worse. You also run the risk of causing scarring by forcibly removing the pimple.
For small outbreaks, a spot treatment is the best approach. This gives medication to only the afflicted areas. Apply a treatment of either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. In addition, there are many online suppliers that offer herbal remedies which reputedly offer good results. Of course these need to be investigated before putting a persons trust in them completely.
If you use makeup, try wearing water-based versions or no cosmetics at all to avoid plugged pores. Popular thinking says acne should be covered with foundation to improve appearance however, this is untrue because oil-based make-up tends to block the skins pores. By avoiding cosmetics completely your skin will improve because it is better able to breath, shed off dead skin cells, and offer the skin the ability to shed excess oils.
Stay away from oil-based cosmetics. When using oil-based cosmetics, you are most likely blocking your pores. Oil-based cosmetics is a major cause of acne issues. When you are investigating the different products available, consider looking for products that clearly state that it is hypoallergenic and will not aggravate your skin. If you use a product with oil alternatives and your skin seems to be responding poorly to the product, try another brand or ones with different ingredients. As each person's skin is unique, some people are more sensitive to certain ingredients than others. Which means that one makeup product that works for person A may be very bad for person B. Trial and error is the key to finding products that work well for your particular skin type.
Try using organic products to help you get rid of persistent acne. It is often the case that some skin care creams etc., contain rough ingredients that can aggravate your pimples, pustules and papules. This can result in blocked pores and subsequently increase your acne. Natural items can help your skin heal because of the anti-bacterial components they contain. Be sure they are all natural. Read the ingredients.
Consuming apple cider vinegar is told to be useful for treating acne. This is beneficial as it eliminates toxins from the system, including those responsible for acne. The internet has many recipes for drinks which include apple cider vinegar, or it can be taken in water. Just a couple of tablespoons in a glass of water is beneficial as an anti-toxicity treatment.
To help your acne improve, avoid as much as possible the manipulation of the affected area. Which is to say, don't touch it. By keeping contact to a minimum, bacteria laden oils have less chance of being transferred to other parts of the face or body. In addition, picking at pimples can actually intensify the acne and even promote infection.
With these alternatives to antibiotics for acne, a person can take direct control of the health of their skin. They are effective for just about anyone, so don't think twice about sharing these guidelines with others.
This small article hits on the subject of dealing with your acne on a personal level. Mr Taylor writes about skin care on his blog regularly. Please stop by to see more ideas for skin care and dealing with pimples specifically.

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Causes of Acne - Do Peanuts Cause Pimples?

Some people have no idea how much difference diet changes can make when it comes to acne. There are many urban myths around what causes pimples, but some of them do actually have a foundation. One of these myths is that peanuts cause pimples. The truth is that sometimes they do, and by simply eliminating them from your diet you can improve your skin complexion. But not many people will tell you why. Find out below why you should keep off peanuts if you would like to live an acne-free life.
Do Peanuts Always Cause Pimples?
Pimples are usually caused by peanuts when the person is unable to digest and break down oil in the body and skin. There might be some problem with their digestive, hormonal or nutritional balance, otherwise they would not get acne from peanuts. There are, however, some types of skin allergies that are often mistaken for acne. The spots look similar to pimples, however, if one pops them they become painful and there is no bacteria inside.
Why do Peanuts Cause Acne?
Peanuts contain excess oil that not all bodies are able to break down. When the body is unable to do so, the oil gets into the blood stream, and instead of being dissolved, it builds up in the body, as well as the skin. The skin cells are naturally trying to get rid of the oil but as the pores are not healthy and flexible enough, this is not possible, so acne occurs.
Alternative Snacks to Prevent Acne
If you find that you tend to get pimples after eating peanuts, you will unfortunately have to come off them. The good news is that if you feel like munching and crunching, you can find some healthy alternatives to them. Carrot sticks, for example contain carotene and vitamins which are beneficial for the skin. You can also switch to natural snacks like rice cakes and dried food; all full of the vitamins your skin needs to reduce the level of oil and get rid of bacteria.
Acne Treatment with Peanuts - External Use
Even if you seem to get pimples of peanuts when eating them, the natural oils inside can be beneficial for external use. One of the most popular homemade remedies for acne is indeed honey, lemon juice and ground peanuts or almonds mixed together used as an exfoliator scrub. The good news is that even if you cannot eat peanuts you can benefit from the vitamins and minerals and that way make them help youget rid of acne.
Helen O'Grady is passionate about helping people prevent Acne. She reviews the latest products for skin problems; such as acne scars, rosacea, dark spots and oily skin. Further reading at our Acne treatment blog

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Does Garlic Clear Acne Scars?

Garlic is widely used in combination with ginger to add a unique taste and aroma to a variety of dishes. It is also a wonder herb touted for its health benefits. Maybe you're wondering if it has any magical properties as pictured in Dracula movies! Or perhaps, you are aware that it prevents respiratory problems and improves circulation. But, do you know that it is one of nature's best remedies to remove acne marks? Let's discuss its healing benefits that can give you the blemish free skin you've been longing for!
How does garlic work on the skin? The healing properties of garlic are attributed to its antibacterial compounds and sulfur compounds. Allin, the antibacterial ingredient in garlic changes to allicin, which is a powerful natural antibiotic. Sulfur compounds like thiacremonone impart anti-inflammatory properties to garlic. Sulfur has been used for centuries to treat oily skin by removing excessive sebum.
How is garlic used? It can be used both orally and topically. When it comes to food, there is no dearth to garlic-included recipes. Adding garlic to your daily diet helps boost your immune system and reduces inflammation. And, we know that reducing inflammation and fighting infection are two fundamental aspects of an effective acne treatment. There are garlic tablets that stimulate your immune system and combat acne infections.
For a topical preparation, crush one garlic clove, mix it with 2 tablespoons of water and massage it on your skin for five minutes to set off an exfoliating effect, i.e., remove the outer layer of scarred cells, bacteria and sebum that cause acne; rinse thoroughly with warm water. Exfoliation helps remove acne scars from face. You may also make a healing facemask by mixing one clove of crushed garlic with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey; spread the mix on your skin and rinse off with water after about 10-15 minutes. If you feel any burning sensation, rinse immediately. It actually takes some trial and error to determine the right concentration of garlic for your skin type. After each garlic treatment, you must apply Aloe Vera based moisturizers, as it is the best way to hydrate the irritated skin.
And, now that you've discovered how garlic works, it's vital to note down some precautions. You may consult a naturopath for the best recommendations. It is important to mention, there are very few natural ingredients that are as powerful as garlic. So, you must use it with caution, especially when applying it on your skin. Don't just thump it on your skin, but do a spot test before incorporating it into a regular skin care routine. It is best to use a garlic preparation that is toned down or mixed with a soothing ingredient like lavender oil. The idea is to adjust the formula to your skin type and also deal with its powerful smell. You definitely don't like to reek of garlic! And remember never leave any garlic preparation on your skin for prolonged durations as it contains sulfuric acid that can cause blisters. Unless, it is well diluted with other ingredients, you must not leave it on for more than five minutes.
Check out Clearade acne treatment that works on the root causes of acne. You may also visit to learn about some of the best acne home remedies.

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What Causes Pimples? The Top Foods to Avoid When Suffering From Acne

When you are suffering from acne skin problems it is very important that you understand what makes it worse or better. There are some types of food that can cause pimples, while others help your skin regain its flexibility, balance and health. This way you are able to manage your acne skin problem better and need no or little medication to treat pimples. Below you will find the most dangerous foods that can make your zits worse.
Oily Food and Processed Fat
Processed fat is very hard on the digestive system, and this means that your metabolism slows down. When this happens, antioxidants are busy breaking down the fat (if they are able to at all) and this means your natural detoxifying processes are affected. Your blood still contains too much fat that builds up in your body, as well as your skin. Excess oil in your skin can cause acne.
Fried Food
Fried food doesn't only have oil and fat, but also plenty of toxins in it. While oil burns different toxic substances are released, and you eat this. If you go to a fast food place, you need to find out how many times the place uses the oil for frying. It is likely that it is on all day long. All the toxins and fat will build up in your system and cause the blockage of pores; this is why you get pimples.
Oily Seeds
For some people, oily seeds are not allowed at all. Among those who are getting skin reactions to nuts, only a small percentage is diagnosed. However, if you are not allergic, chances are that these seeds are too heavy on your digestive system and cause problems. When your blood is trying to dissolve oil, it delivers some into your skin and this can cause acne.
Sugar and Chocolate
Sugar is known for causing acne skin problems, and this is because it does not break down in the blood for a long time, either. Moreover, sugar does change the hormonal levels of the body, and if you suffer from hormonal acne, this can be critical for your condition. If you would like to avoid pimples, you are better off getting sugar from fruits instead of a processed form. It is also easier for your body to break it down.
Carbs, not only sugar can cause acne. Pasta, pastries and bread have a really high glycemic index, which causes the blood sugar level to rise. There is a connection between blood sugar levels and acne, so if you would like to avoid skin problems, you really need to cut back on carbs and consume more raw food.
Helen O'Grady is passionate about helping people prevent Acne. She reviews the latest products for skin problems; such as acne scars, rosacea, dark spots and oily skin. Further reading at our Acne treatment blog. Get our free guide on how to get rid of acne.

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How Do You Stop a Pimple From Reappearing in the Same Spot? Stop Acne Recurrence

If you do have problems with pimples turning up on the same spot, there is a chance that the problem in deep inside the pores. You might be able to reduce swelling on the surface, but there will be some bacteria left deep in the skin. Some deep cleansing methods for acne recurrence are very simple and effective; these are detailed below. However, have to first make sure that you do not suffer from cystic acne before you would apply any of the below methods.
Steaming your face is great for opening up the pores. You can go much deeper and cleanse the face and affected area from acne better. It is not recommended to steam your face more than once a week, as it can affect the flexibility of the skin, still you can do it whenever you feel like you have a pimple coming up at the same place. Acne can trick people into believing that it is completely gone sometimes and still come back every now and then.
Facial Scrubs
Scrubbing your face with natural or gentle facial scrubs is deep-cleansing and moisturizing the pores. You need to find the right cosmetics, though, as it needs to match your skin type. If you do have an oily skin, it is OK to use one with tea tree oil or mint, but if you suffer from black head acne and dry skin, it is better to use a vitamin moisturizing scrub for the best results.
Rigorous Facial Cleansing Routine
You have to follow the three-step facial routine: cleansing, toning and moisturizing in the morning and before you go to bed. If you use hair conditioner, you should try and tie your hair back, to avoid substances, especially silicone getting into the pores. It can block it causing acne at the very same spot it appeared before, because the pores are not protected by new skin cells from bacteria. Toning can close your pores and make them more flexible,too.
Avoid Popping Pimples
Under no circumstances should you try and pop pimples. It is better to leave it to your beautician or simply dry them off using toners. If you cause more infection you can expect the same acne spot appearing over and over again. The main danger of popping spots is still that you cause infection and do not clear out all the bacteria. The amount of bacteria that is stuck deep inside your pores can cause even more acne problems in the future.
Helen O'Grady is passionate about helping people prevent Acne. She reviews the latest products for skin problems; such as acne scars, rosacea, dark spots and oily skin. Further reading at our Acne treatment blog Get your free information about acne treatments

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Sebustop(R) and Botanical Complex SCA(R) - Acne Treatment That Works

Sebustop® and Botanical SCA® have become known as two of the most effective ingredients for treating acne. Used individually or combined, they offer several of the most promising, naturally-derived solutions for controlling acne, blemishes and pimples.
Is Natural Better?
While many chemicals and medications have been proven effective for either eliminating or "curing" acne, as with many solutions, they have their own set of side effects - most commonly excessively dry or cracking facial skin.
Other ingredients such as Alpha Hydroxy, Camphor, Zinc, Zinc PCA and even alcohol can be effective for reducing oiliness and acne symptoms, but typically address one symptom or cause.
Together with several of these ingredients, Sebustop® and Botanical SCA® are naturally-derived from botanical extracts, have some certified organic compounds, and are free or preservatives; generally, this makes them uniquely suited for use in acne treatments due to low irritation and inflammation levels for acne-laden or acne-prone skin. Natural can be better - especially when it comes to acne and blemishes.
Some Background
Sebustop® was developed and is manufactured by the French firm, Solabia Group®. It is a phyto-active compound developed after several years research into the tannin and oil control properties of several hundred botanical extracts. The final formula combines root and bark extracts of cassia, ginger and burnet - all of which showed the greatest efficacy in reducing bacteria, infection, fungus, excess oil and pore size. Sebustop ®clinical studies showed...
  • Pore diameter/size reduction up 11%
  • Inhibition of pore dilation up to 32%
  • Inhibition of epidermis and aures staph, and propionibacterium acnes up to 86.6%
All of which make it super-effective for treating acne and acne symptoms and is used in acne products like Acnetene®.
Similarly, Botanical Complex SCA®, manufactured by The Herbarie, is an innovative formula of extracts that combines Nettle, Melissa, Elderflower, Cleavers and Plantain. Developed as a soothing astringent, Botanical Complex SCA is excellent for reducing inflammation, irritation, redness, and for providing natural antiseptic benefits and wound healing.
"SCA" contains high levels of antioxidants and is key to rejuvenating and promoting healthy, blemish-free tissue growth. Additionally, as an astringent, it is very effective at minimizing sebaceous gland secretions (read oily skin) and reducing the size of enlarged pores that can trap dirt, worn skin cells, bacteria and infection.
An Effective Combination for Acne Treatment that Works
Both Sebustop® and Botanical Complex SCA® both bring significant benefits to the acne treatment "table". Though acne and blemishes are often triggered by hormones - especially with teens - bacteria embedded in pores combines with yeast and fungus to cause infection, blocking pores to cause whiteheads or pustules and blackheads. This leads to inflammation of sebaceous glands and surrounding tissue creating swelling and tenderness. The reduction and control of excess oiliness and secretions together with inhibiting or killing bacteria can clear and prevent infection and irritation.
These fundamental benefits make both of these ingredients ideal for acne treatments such as acne facial cleanser, acne moisturizers, toners, pads, and masks/spot treatments.
Shop for Acnetene® acne treatments with Sebustop® and Botanical Complex SCA®. Acnetene® is a complete 5-Step System for controlling acne, reducing oiliness, reducing pore size, and moisturizing dry, sensitive, and acne-prone skin. All Acnetene® products are developed to work effectively as a System, but individually effective for your needs. Learn more about Acnetene® AcneWash® for gentle cleansing, PimplePads® Toner, PimplePaste® Mask and ClearCream® acne moisturizer and ZitStick® acne concealer - all with targeted active ingredients for a clear, blemish-free complexion!

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5 Home Remedies For Acne

Acne is the end of the world for most people including myself. I want to stay home and away from everyone when I begin to develop acne! I don't wan't to look in the mirror and I don't even want to be seen on the street. For a lot of girls, acne is obviously interfering with confidence levels and begins to play on their minds if they don't find a solution. With Hormonal changes and other issues in the body, acne is a part of the natural growing process and almost everybody suffers from it at some point in their lives. When acne goes over the top, it makes sense to look at some natural tips which can help your face clear out.
1) Water & Lemon: I cannot stress enough how important water is as a remedy for all your problems. Water promotes clear skin, weight loss, healthy kidneys, good hair, strong nails, low cholesterol, normal blood pressure and just about a thousand more benefits. Whoever, said drink 8 glasses of water every day knew what they were talking about. Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water and the juice of half a lemon so that your bowels have a chance to clear out quickly. A clean stomach and intestines means good clean healthy looking skin. Apart from drinking water, a water and lemon enema would greatly help your skin as well. Over the years, gunk stays behind and collects on the internal lining of the colon and lukewarm water with lemon juice will help cleanse that out. Warm water with lemon will help the body get rid of dirt and will automatically help the body to digest food better and also accept nutrients from food more easily. This will help with revitalizing the body and clearing the skin.
2) Keep Everything Clear Of Your Face: Be careful when you hug and kiss people with acne. The painful truth here is that if you get up close and personal with people who have acne, the chance of them giving it to you is very high. Don't touch your face with your hands and make sure your sheets, pillow cases and anything that touches your face is clean. Expensive creams and facials will only help if you keep your face clean and clear of others who are infected and dirty surfaces. Go to the extent of not even touching your own face with your own hands. There is a possibility that a pore on your skin may be open and bacteria is transferred from your hands onto your face.
3) Turmeric: Turmeric root is antibacterial and anti fungal. If you can find the root in the Indian store, pound it with a pestle and mortar with some water till it becomes a fine paste. Make sure you apply it only onto the head of the pimple with a cotton swab and leave it there for a few hours. Turmeric will color your skin yellow so only dab a very tiny bit where you need to.
4) Raw Garlic - No pain no gain!: You have to be careful with this one. Chop a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the affected area. Garlic is antibacterial and will clear your skin out in no time. Be careful because this remedy is going to burn badly for the first 20 seconds. If you can tolerate the pain, by all means try this out because it is very very effective.
5) Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV is the star of all home remedies and has multiple benefits. Take some on a piece of cotton and smear it onto the pimple affected area. ACV is used on the skin, in hair and is drunk too.
Maintaining good skin can be a tough proposition for those of us who are not blessed but simple and cheap home remedies, when followed to the T can solve even the biggest of heal issues.

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Exercising to Clear Up Your Acne!

Being active is a necessity for health and well being, but that grimy sensation of dry perspiration doesn't seem like it could help acne. Let's discover every detail to ensure you get that clear skin, and that body you choose!
There are 3 categories your current training routine will likely belong to: aerobic, anaerobic, and non-exercisers.
Aerobic exercisers are the type who participate in additional cardiovascular activity. These are typically runners, ball players, etc. Aerobic exercisers generally go for long periods of time, and have hardly any genuine "pump-up" time as compared to anaerobic exercisers. The finest advice I can offer to aerobic exercisers is cleanse your skin or even bathe 30 minutes or less when you get done. After this 30 minute span, the waste your body discharged begins going back into your body. Aerobic exercisers should also concern themselves with how much they are moving. Over exercising can ware your body down and naturally it won't be able to recover as easily.
Anaerobic exercisers generally complete short spurts of intense exercise. These are generally your weightlifter and bodybuilder types. The issue with working out like this is that they generally have "pump-up" time. This pump up time requires a rapid shock of strength, possibly natural or from caffeinated pre-workouts, which may cause additional stress. The smartest thing to do is space your routines out. Don't cram a great deal into one period, but gradually workout. Additionally, decreasing the high levels of caffeine could reduce increased stress levels. Stay away from and androgenic supplements that can spike hormones. As I'm sure you are all aware one of the well-known side effects of steroid use is acne.
Non-exercisers are the most unfortunate, when considering working out to eliminate acne. These are the people that get little or no exercise in their everyday living. This insufficient exercise could harm your body in several ways, and finally will reach your skin. Don't jump right into working out though, you'll get burnt out. Slowly raise your training time through several hobbies like sports with pals and your exercise won't even look like exercise!
Ridding your skin from the grime and sweat your body generates when you exercise is key to thoroughly clean skin. The sweat left on can block pores and develop acne. Shower or wash as soon as you can to get rid of the contaminants. Some organizations produce wipes for instant cleansing, and pads can be an excellent quick solution. Never over-work yourself! Working out is significant to cure pressure, but over doing it can cause stress too.
Hopefully this article will help you get on your path to clearing up acne. Clear up your acne with more articles from

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Homemade Acne Treatment As a Cost-Effective Cure for Acne

It surely isn't astounding to view adolescents being affected by acne; however, you'll find adults who still have problems with pimples even after they are already in their middle 20's. It is sad especially since everyone desires of having smooth and blemish-free skin. People actually make all efforts to look for the most effective cure for acne among those that are offered on the market. However, oftentimes, it is sensible to try homemade acne treatment not only to save on the prices of a dermatologist but to avoid risks of side effects.
In fact, there are lots of methods on how to reduce pimples without spending a fortune on medications. Very often advertising and marketing strategies swear 100% cure for acne but, it only becomes efficient for particular skin types. The worst case scenario is an increase in pimples which typically leads to lack of self confidence. One of the simplest expert recommendations or skin care tips to treat acne is keeping the face as dirt free as possible to avoid the problem from worsening. While many think that acne is provoked by chocolates and oily peanuts, it certainly is not the case since acne is provoked by dirt and clogs in the skin pores.
The fact is homemade acne treatment is definitely obtained in the kitchen like sugar or lemon. A combination of brown sugar, a couple of drops of lemon and olive oil are often made into a sugar scrub to exfoliate the skin. Using the sugar scrub is not just to eliminate pimples but to wash skin pores from all dirt and impurities. Some individuals actually use this homemade remedy not only for the face but the whole body to achieve smooth and silky skin. Not only is it an effective cure to finally get rid of pimples but it is taken into account cheap and readily available.
You may be flabbergasted but potato is another form of ingredient used as homemade acne treatment. This time potatoes aren't made into French fries but used on the skin to get rid of all dirt and oils. It is known as a cure for acne and simultaneously a perfect solution to cut back wrinkles and skin blemishes. You don't have to be terrified of the risks of uncomfortable side effects from the potato as it is a simple cooking ingredient you could be familiar with. One benefit of homemade treatments is their convenience and availability without having to pay a fortune to avail of them to cure your acne. There are actually many homemade treatments available which you can try; however, be certain to test them separately and give them a possible opportunity to show positive effects.
To have beautiful and smooth skin is something possible when you have found the proper homemade acne treatment. Discover how to reduce pimples and start a better life today.

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Looking At Natural Home Remedies For Acne

Natural Home Remedies For Acne:
Acne is a common problem, seen in people of all ages, not only in teens and young people. There are many traditional drug-store or pharmaceutical treatments available on the market. Although these common treatments can work, they often come with a number of harmful side effects. For those looking for a softer, less harmful approach, natural home remedies for acne may be the answer. Home remedies can be just as functional, if not more functional than some of the most popular brands you can buy from the store.
Here are some of the most well known home treatments for acne:
1. Take a generous amount of lemon and apply evenly to your face using a cotton ball. Allow the mixture to dry on your face for a few minutes, and then keep it on over night. While the mixture is on your face, you may notice some itching or irritation, but my morning you will note a huge improvement in redness and size of pimples. This particular trick has been used for centuries. In fact, store bought makeup brands utilize similar ingredients to provide comparable results, but also contain harmful and unnecessary chemicals.
2. Tea tree essential oils have been known to combat even the worst breakouts. Tea tree oils work deep within the skin to repair and prevent future breakouts. This natural treatment should be applied while you sleep and won't offer an overnight fix. As with any treatment, its usefulness will depend on your specific skin type along with your ability to use it properly. Tea tree oils have a very strong scent, so a small amount of lavender added to the mixture can soften the smell and make it easier to use.
3. This next treatment may take you by surprise. It is a very controversial application and isn't for the faint of heart. If you don't mind smelling a little stinky, you can use garlic as a fast acting formula to fight your newest breakout. Simply peel and rub across your face, gently working into the skin. Be careful not to press too hard and only apply if you are able to handle the strong smell. The best way to start is by simply applying the garlic to one small area of the face and waiting overnight. If your skin becomes irritated, then simply don't use this solution There are many other home remedies for acne to choose from.
4. Aloe vera is a highly potent super food. It is proven to help a number of diseases and can be consumed in soups, drinks or meals. A lesser known application is to the face and skin. Aloe Vera gel, soothes the skin and relaxes the pores.
Additional Acne Tip
For many women, makeup may be an essential part of their everyday routine. Makeup can make women feel youthful and beautiful, but nothing can ruin your self-esteem more than big red pimples dotted across your forehead. Be careful about the brands you use on your face. It can be very easy to assume that your acne or skin irritations are caused by an internal situation beyond your control, such as hormonal imbalances or age. Makeup is known to clog pores, reduce air to the skin and attract dirt. If you have acne, consider using a brand specifically formulated for women with sensitive or acne prone skin.
Jason L Clifton is a website owner who is really passionate about dermatology and studying skin problems, especially the skin condition acne and at looking at ways of treating it both naturally and medically. With 80% of people suffering the condition at some point in there lives it is a subject people really need to know about to understand the real facts.

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Acne Treatment - Are Oral Contraceptives Effective?

We all know that hormones are responsible for the appearance of pimples in adolescence and sometimes in adulthood. One way to control hormones is to use oral contraceptives, which are popularly known as birth control pills. They have become a popular acne treatment option for women. The big question is whether they work.
How Oral Contraceptives Work
There is a group of hormones called androgens, which cause an increased production of sebum (skin oil). The extra sebum cannot get fully released through the skin pores and it clogs them. The clogged pores contain a mixture of sebum and dead skin cells so they are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This results in zits and the need for acne treatment.
The ovaries and the adrenal gland of women produce a fairly small amount of androgens. However, this amount can increase during adolescence, before menstrual periods and during pregnancy. This can lead to the appearance of pimples.
The oral contraceptives contain the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. They work to reduce the amount of androgens produced in the body. As a result, the production of sebum is also reduced and so is acne.
It is worth pointing out that oral contraceptives can be used for acne treatment only by women, who require them for contraception. Basically, the skin treatment is just a side effect. Furthermore, only three types of birth pills have been approved for this type of side treatment by the US FDA. They are typically used for treating moderate to severe cases of acne.
Possible Side Effects
Just like all pills, the oral contraceptives have side effects. The main immediate ones include breast tenderness, spotting, nausea, dizziness and mood swings. In the long term, there is a higher risk of hypertension, migraine, liver disease, gallbladder disease and depression.
It should be noted that the modern birth control pills are designed to cause minimal side effects. When they are taken as required under the supervision of a doctor, the risks associated with them are reduced to the possible minimum.
According to doctors, patients and researchers, oral contraceptives are a good acne treatment. They help to reduce the frequency and the degree of severity of flare-ups. Even when pimples appear, they are fewer in number.
A recent study has revealed that the number of pimples is reduced by 30% to 60%. The inflammation is considerably reduced. As a result, the healing process is quicker and the risk of scars is lower.
Oral contraceptives will reduce the severity of the condition, but it takes time for the hormonal changes which they induce to take place. Hence, you will have to wait for some time to see the desired results. Furthermore, while this acne treatment targets one of the causes of the condition, it does not affect the pimples directly. This means that you will still have to use topical remedies to get rid of any pimples that appear.

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Natural Acne Elimination Without A Fuss

When it comes to acne, a key aspect that you need to keep in mind is that you need not suffer from it. Otherwise, many people simply accept acne as their "destiny" without taking any concrete steps to avoid it.
In case you are suffering from acne yourself, remember that prompt steps taken in a suitable way, can go a long way in helping you prevent acne from occurring. Mind you, these would be completely natural ways, so there is no complexity with regard to say long-drawn doctor consultations or expensive medications involved.
Instead you will be working on the cause of acne first and then eliminating it from occurring altogether.
Skin Cleanliness
Skin cleanliness is a major factor as far as acne elimination is concerned. Unfortunately a lot of us simply fail to keep our skin clean whereby acne invariably breaks out. Remember that if you are acne prone, then you especially have to take additional measures to keep your skin clean.
This would typically involve using a mild cleanser to wash your face - or any other parts of your body that are acne prone, often, throughout the day.
Moreover, if you say happen to live or work in a dust prone environment, then it becomes all the more important that you give priority to skin cleanliness.
Natural masks such as cucumbers, oatmeal, grapes, etc. can also prove to be excellent skin cleanliness mechanisms.
Diet Control
Diet control is one of the primary means of acne elimination. This particularly involves avoiding oily foods and maximizing your intake of natural, fiber-rich food.
Foods that we especially recommend would include fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, fish and all protein rich foods. Remember that these foods prove beneficial since they contain nutrients that fight free radicals and also ensure skin rejuvenation while at the same time protecting skin from UV radiation and bacterial infection.
Foods rich in sugar are also a no-no as far as acne is concerned since they are directly responsible for triggering oil production and bacteria proliferation - the primary factors behind acne emergence.
Regular Exercise
As far as acne elimination is concerned, regular exercise is an absolute must. After all, regular exercise ensures proper blood circulation and also optimizes hormonal balance. It is disharmony along these lines which invariably causes an outbreak of acne so make sure you exercise regularly to eliminate acne.
Rest and Relaxation
Just as regular exercise is critical to avoiding acne, so is adequate rest and relaxation. Remember that a lot of stress coupled with inadequate sleep, plays a major part in causing acne. So if you ensure adequate sleep and also relax your body as well as your mind, you can certainly go a long way in preventing acne in the first place.
Together, the initiatives listed above can easily go a long way in natural acne elimination. So make sure that you follow these initiatives listed above, for maximum impact, towards your ultimate quest of preventing and eliminating acne altogether from your life.
There are numerous natural acne elimination techniques which we can all follow rigorously to easily prevent acne. Following these techniques can also help us avoid expensive and complex artificial acne elimination procedures.

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