lundi 28 octobre 2013

Easy To Follow Guidelines on How to Get Rid Of Pimples In The Quickest Time Possible

Having pimples no doubt is very embarrassing and can totally destroy ones self esteem. Zits can make you stay away from people because you feel like they are just looking at your acne. A lot of acne suffers then turn to look for ways to get rid of pimples in the quickest time possible. But is it possible to get rid of acne fast?
There are a number of ways one can get rid or reduce pimples quickly and easily. Some of these solutions can work even over night depending on the skin type and how severe the acne is. When using solutions to getting rid of acne fast you should know that this usually works in the short term because the cause of acne is in the inside not the outside.
When getting rid of pimples you also have to think of long term solutions to also removing whiteheads and blackheads. Knowing the root cause of your breakouts will help you in managing acne in the long term. But can short-term solutions do the deal and cure your zits fast?
Washing your face is the first thing to do when ridding pimples. When doing this you should pay close attention to the type of soap or cleanser you are using because some cleansers can actually irritate your skin even more. Try using mild ingredients instead chemical based soaps that you buy from pharmacies.
When wasting your face be gentle with it so that you don't remove the skin's natural oils which help in protecting the skin cells.
Some experts suggest that you don't squeeze your pimples because this can cause the problem to be worse and even scar your face. This is true but there are safe ways to squeeze your pimples, just make sure your face is moist with hot water and use a semi dry cloth to squeeze the zit.
Some dermatologists suggest their patients to use benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid which works well in getting rid of pimple fast but be very cautious when using them because to much of it can make more damage then good.
Toothpaste can also help in reducing acne. You can apply the toothpaste direct onto the zit after you have cleaned your face. In conjunction of toothpaste you can put ice on the zit overnight and after a few hours the zit will be reduced.
Other solutions are lemon juice and boiled basil leaves. You can apply these solutions directly to the zit and be left there over night. In the morning make sure you rinse your face with hot clean water.
There's a lot more involved in having clear healthy skin. If you want more guidelines on having acne free skin then get yourself a copy of the one and only guide to clear healthy skin here:
You can also get your FREE copy of our ebook "Acne Home Treatment" that will give you tips on using various methods to clearing your acne fast. Download your copy here: acne home treatment.
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dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Help for My Adult Acne

I always thought acne was just for teenagers, boy was I wrong. There were so many years in there where my skin looked so good... smooth and clear. Now all of a sudden, my acne is back! What in the heck is going on? Why does my skin look almost as bad as it did when I was a teenager?
Turns out all the things I was told as a kid (eating chocolate and greasy food) has nothing to do with adult acne. Although these foods don't help, they, as well as stress, are not the main culprits of my acne. It's my fluctuating hormones!!!
Some women find that they begin to break out about a week before their menstrual cycle. Apparently, this problem will dissipate once I hit menopause (something I'm not really looking forward to), but could get worse during the transition into menopause. Isn't it fun to be a woman?
During the menopause transition, there is an increase in estrogen-androgen (male sex hormones) ratio. A study showed that women who had acne had a higher level of androgens circulating their system, then those women without acne.
Hormones aren't the only reason for breakouts though. Some medications, greasy makeup, and touching your face (bacteria) can also cause adult acne.
So what's a girl to do?
One thing to try are over the counter acne treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur. These medications help reduce the oil production in your skin, which in turn makes your aging skin even drier... so remember to just put the medication on the pimple, not all over your face. Try looking for a medication specifically for adults.
If you are into facials, you could visit your esthetician and ask for a Glycolic treatment, or a Salicylic treatment, however, these treatments should only be performed on those with oily skin. If your skin is dry, do not ask for these treatments as they will dry your skin further.
Another reminder is to wash your face carefully and gently. As we age, we need to remember to treat our skin kindly. Don't scrub it or rub it vigorously. This will only make the problem worse.
If you are still not getting anywhere, you could try visiting a dermatologist for a prescription antibiotic. There are several antibiotics that ease acne symptoms, however they have other side effects to contend with.
Always remember that the bout with adult acne won't last forever, just as it didn't when you were a teen. As you ease through the menopause transition and your hormones begin to regulate, the problem should also begin to ease.
In the meantime, a dab of coverup will do the trick.

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7 Effective Natural Ways to Treat Severe Acne

A severe acne problem does not respond well to many pharmaceutical products.
Most synthetic products have proven to be ineffective. Fortunately, there are proven natural ways to get rid of acne that come at a fraction of the price.
There are several natural ways to treat severe acne; here are the best seven treatments.
Brown Sugar Scrub
Brown sugar scrub is probably the best way to treat severe acne naturally. All you need to do is get in the shower and give your face, back and any other acne-affected areas time for the pores to open up. Then scrub your face gently with brown sugar.
Scrubbing too hard will rupture the pimples so be gentle. If the acne infection has spread to your arms and back, apply the brown sugar to these areas as well. Brown sugar scrub works well when done 2-3 times per month.
Go the Egg Way
Either using the egg white as a facial mask or the egg yolk as a pore opener can make use of the egg as an effective remedy.
The egg white acts to reduce excess skin oil while the yolk helped to avoid pore clogging. This is one way to treat severe acne.
It may take some time, say two months to get visible results, but it works eventually.
Separate the egg white from the yolks into two different bowls. Beat the egg whites and apply on your face. Keep the egg mask on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with plain water. Do not use soap to rinse off the mask. Dab your face with a clean soft cloth or let it dry by itself.
If you wish to use the yolk method to unclog pores, follow the same procedure as with the egg white. Apply to the face and leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with plain water. You will feel refreshed immediately. Repeat these procedures twice a week.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a great toner. Nothing makes your skin clean and supple as lemon juice. Due to its acidity properties, do not leave it on the face for too long. Apply for five minutes and rinse off with warm water.
The warm water will speed up the workings of the lemon juice while ensuring that it washes off completely from your face. This treatment should be done once every two months.
Overuse will result in the face becoming oily which will only aggravate the severe acne condition.
Honey Fix
Honey is a great remedy used to treat severe acne. Its soothing properties and extreme sugar qualities help reduce pimple size and give a clearer complexion.
It also has antibacterial properties that ensure re-infections do not occur. Simply apply to the face leave for an hour and rinse with warm water.
Tea -Tree Oil
Tea-tree oil discourages infection and encourages healing. Tea-tree oil is known for its antifungal properties. A drop of oil does the trick. Rub the oil on the affected areas and you are good to go.
Contrary to popular belief, tea tree works well in all degrees of acne. Whether mild, moderate or severe, tea -tree oil works fine given adequate time.
Garlic is a natural antibacterial with over 400 chemicals. It helps in controlling severe acne breakouts and keeps the skin free of further infection.
Garlic should be used in food and on the skin. When these two methods of utilizing garlic are used as a combination, the results are swift and satisfactory.
Apply crushed garlic onto the affected areas and watch the severe acne treatment work like magic. If you do not like the after-smell or taste, chew some parsley to suppress the odor.
Mint is rich in menthol, a natural soothing agent and an anti-inflammatory. It leaves a cool feeling on the skin and allows the pores to open up.
Mint oil or the extract of the blended leaves will do just fine. This severe acne treatment can be used as often as possible without serious after-effects.
Whichever natural method you settle on to help clear severe acne, ensure that you do not overuse the product.
Stick to a regular routine and maintain it for at least two months in order to see considerable change.
It is also important to note that the natural methods will work better without intervention of other pharmaceutical products on the skin.
Did you also know that severe acne it can be treated in 7 days using a simple, and effective solution known as Acne No More. If you've 2 minutes, please check out the review and what other people are saying about it. Thank you so much for reading my article.

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10 Surprising Things That Can Make You Break Out

Surprise breakout trigger #1: Fun times
Surprisingly, your skin can react to exciting events such as a big weekend, vacation, graduation or wedding in the same way as it does to stress, even though it doesn't feel stressful at all! Just like stress, highly anticipated events can play with your immune system. Remember even when awesome things are happening to keep up with taking care of your self. Plenty of water, good foods, sleep, and a bit of calming yoga or stretching will help keep your skin (and nerves) in tip-top shape.
Surprise breakout trigger #2: Your toothpaste
Your skin can react to the ingredients in toothpaste, especially those with fluoride or whitening agents. If you are experiencing little red bumps just around your mouth, it might be time to switch to toothpaste geared to sensitive skin. (If you do switch to non-fluoride, double up on tap water, as it contains fluoride necessary for healthy teeth.)
Surprise breakout trigger #3: Getting Fit
Hold on there -- you work hard on your workout, sweat a little and your pores feel great, but is it bad for your skin? Actually, acne loves sweat - and chooses this time to flex it's muscles causing your skin problems. Your counter defense: rinse skin directly after a workout, and apply a gentle alicylic acid wash/treatment.
Surprise breakout trigger #4: Your boyfriend
Yes, he looks hot with a little manly stubble, and he smells great too -- but both of these can wreak havoc on your skin after a serious make-out session! The friction from his beard, and the fragrance from her aftershave can cause major irritation and breakouts. Breakouts may not appear for days or a few weeks, but if you've left your date with your face red or irritated, you can bet the breakouts will show up later. Let him know that a baby-faced smooth shave is a great look, and buy him a nice gift of some great cologne to replace that after shave!
Surprise breakout trigger #5: Your mineral make-up
Woah! Aren't mineral make-ups good for acne-prone skin? The answer is, they can be. Watch for mineral make-ups that contain bismuth oxychloride, which can cause cystic acne, itching and irritation. Monave makes a variety that is bismuth oxychloride-free.
Surprise breakout trigger #6: Your water
Whaa? If your water has a high mineral content, it can throw off the ph balance of your skin, and it also has less rinsing ability, so it can leave residue from soaps and other products on your skin. The result can be clogged pores and irritation. Consider a water softener, or look into pre-moistened cloths.
Surprise breakout trigger #7: Your facial cleanser
Facial cleansers with too much soap in them can throw off the ph balance of the skin, causing the skin to react in ways that sometimes aren't pretty. Opt for a gentle cleanser, such as castile soap, or a natural acne wash meant for sensitive skin.
Surprise breakout trigger #8: Your hair products
What? They're on your hair right? Your hair products can block your pores - even though it is hard to realize the connection, as acne can take days/weeks to form. On the flip-side, oils from the hair can cause forehead and jaw line acne, too. Keep your hair clean and pulled back, especially at night. If you suffer from persistent acne, try using an anti-dandruff shampoo on your hair - it is especially anti-bacterial.
Surprise breakout trigger #9: Your hands
We all know that picking the skin is bad for you. But it also makes sense that just touching your skin with unclean hands can transfer a number of unwanted, aggravating bacteria to the skin? Get into the habit of a hands-off approach to your skin. If you are applying products to your skin, wash your hands with a mild soap prior to application.
Surprise breakout trigger #10: The Sun
We all love the fact that a glow from the sun makes breakouts less noticeable and helps dry up excess oil, but a little too much sun can aggravate the pores and cause acne to appear a week or two later. Keep safe with an oil-free sun block. Look for one with micronized zinc oxide, which is helpful to acne-prone skin.
Rebecca Brayton is founder of the Relogy Natural Acne Treatment Company. Brayton and her Customer Service Team at Relogy take on acne issues for their customers every day. Find out more about how to get rid of acne at

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Acne, Causes and Cures

Acne is a horrible condition that can seriously undermine a person's self-confidence. It can affect anyone at any age but seems to be more aggressive in the teenage years, which is probably the most important time for self-confidence development.
The main point to this article is to briefly discuss the causes and cures for this condition which shows up on the body as red patches which can darken and split causing scaring in extreme cases. These can cover small areas of the back, neck and face and often spread to cover bigger areas.
Poor diet, stress and hormone in-balance have all been attributed to acne causes. Sometimes the body has a reaction to a rise in testosterone and this is often blamed on certain outbreaks of acne. Of course the hormone in-balance can be linked to both poor diet and stress and so it becomes a vicious circle.
The first thing to do is to visit your Doctor, because they can tell exactly how bad the acne is and if there is any infections that need to be treated separately. A common problem with this condition is that the pustules break open and foreign bodies enter causing even more problems.
Get rid of stress. Stress is a problem in many areas of our lives and it really does not help acne at all. Find places to relax and clear the mind. Take up a hobby and learn to escape from the main areas that cause stress.
There are many different creams readily available on the market. When trying a new one it pays to test a small patch first in case the body reacts in an unpleasant way. Most of these creams are designed to sooth rather than cure but this is important because the sufferer is less like to scratch or rub and this will lessen the chances of infection.
Another method that has seen some success, or at least helped in some way has been the use of facial steam bathes. This opens up the pores and at least helps with preventing infection.
So to quickly recap
Try to eliminate stress if you suffer from this nasty condition and do make sure you take a look at your diet. Eat plenty of whole foods and fibre. Also try to get regular exercise because that also helps with stress.
Do at all costs avoid scratching the skin because this is the main cause of scaring.
I do hope this information helps in some way and please check the resource box for even more help on the subject.
For even more powerful information on Best Acne Products and Best Acne Treatment please visit

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Effect of Swimming on Acne

Swimming, as a physical activity, is great for overall health including skin health. The way you breathe while swimming increases the flow of oxygen within your body, and the extra oxygen that enters your blood stream promotes the growth of new skin cells and heals inflamed skin. But, have you thought of the effect of the water, i.e. chlorinated pool water, on your skin? There are controversial theories on the effect of chlorine on skin. Let's discuss the science behind the effect of chlorine on acne-inflicted skin.
What is the chemistry of chlorinated water? Chlorine is powerful in fighting E-coli bacteria found in improperly filtered water. It is used in water-treatment plants and in swimming pools to keep microorganisms at bay. The chemical structure of chlorine breaks down the bacterial cell walls and purifies water. The same chlorine is also capable of attacking acne-causing bacteria and eliminates excessive oil accumulated in your skin pores. This perspective has led to the misconception that pool water aids in acne removal. In reality, the relief is temporary because constant or repeated exposure to chlorine can be harmful. Chlorine has a positive effect only when used in minute quantities; in fact, several skin care products contain small amounts of chlorine.
What happens when your skin is repeatedly exposed to chlorine? The acidic property of chlorine could inflict damages to sensitive skin, particularly facial skin. It not only destroys harmful microbes present in water and acne-causing bacteria, but also strips your skin off its natural oils, Vitamin E and other good bacteria. Eventually, your skin loses its oil balance and becomes dry and irritated. In response, your body triggers the oil glands to produce more oil to make up for the loss. Excessive oil starts trapping dirt and bacteria that tend to clog the skin pores and increase acne breakouts.
Now that you know the adverse effects of chlorinated water on acne, it is easier to adopt means to counter that problem. After each swimming session, use a mild exfoliating agent to remove chlorine trapped on the skin surface and apply a good moisturizer. It is best to use natural acne products, such as Aloe Vera based lotions. If your skin is already affected by chlorinated water, acne home remedies or herbal remedies are the best option to prevent aggravation. The idea behind the acne treatment is to eliminate any chlorine accumulated on the skin. Leaving it untreated could cause wrinkles and lead to premature aging.
Perhaps, you're pondering about the effect of chlorinated tap water. What happens when you shower in chlorinated water? Water treatment plants do not use as much chlorine as swimming pools. In fact, chlorinated water will not have any adverse effect on your skin if the pH balance is optimal, i.e., a pH level of 7 to 8.
The irritation caused by chlorine also depends on the skin type, i.e. how your skin reacts to chlorine. Some people may just experience some dryness, while other can see their acne problem worsen. Protective measures will help you reap the benefits of swimming as a physical activity, while eliminating chlorine-induced problems.
Check out Clearade acne treatment that works on the root causes of acne. You may also visit to learn about some of the best acne home remedies.

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Alternative to Conventional Acne Treatments

Acne is one of the many health issues that don't have a catch all cure. It is a complex condition with many possible causes. Treating acne is not a simple thing, which is why conventional acne treatments don't always work. Usually when a patient suffers from this, he will be prescribed with antibiotics and topical treatments that are way too strong and drying. Common pimple cures often lead to a more irritated skin and sunken self esteem. Not only that, conventional medications for pimples are often way too pricey and require sticking to a strict skin care routine that involves a lot of products. If you have tried a number of common pimple products and pills that did not work, then it is time to consider a more generalized approach to getting clear skin. Holistic programs are designed to treat pimples and spots from within by getting to the root cause of the problem. These holistic treatments make great alternatives to conventional acne cures.
Acne No More
This program is among the conventional acne treatments currently available. This is an all natural holistic remedy that was created by a nutrition expert and who once had skin problems. This program eliminates the need for conventional acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide and monocycline. It also prevents patients from going through the much dreaded accutane treatment. With this program, hormonal imbalance that causes spots can be corrected. It is a combo of all natural home remedies to cure scars and a sensible diet of skin clearing food to treat the patient from within.
The Acne Diet
This is another option for those who want to free themselves from conventional acne treatments. This is a diet based approach that promises a healthier and clearer skin without resorting to typical strong pimple medications. This is a new age approach to dealing with skin issues and involves the use of food supplements and a diet with minimal high glycemic foods such as breads and pastries. It also encourages drinking 8 to 10 cups of water daily.
The Vitamin Cocktail
One good way to do away with conventional acne treatments is to try the Vitamin Cocktail. This "miracle" cocktail promises to eliminate the problem in weeks of regular intake. This involves drinking a specific combination of food supplements. Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Zinc, and Borage seed oil are the components of the vitamin cocktail.
Tired of conventional acne treatments? Try these holistic cures and say goodbye to pimples soon.
Discover How To Put An End To Your Acne Problems Once And For All Using Proven Techniques That Give You Immediate Results...
Click The Link To Learn More
Acne No More []

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"Embarrassing Acne" Kill It Naturally And Get Over It

Acne is a skin condition that affects to back, neck, upper shoulders, face and lower back and causes skin to become irritated and oily, resulting in pimples, spots and blackheads.
These could be prevented easily when you know how it just involves a minutes a day for acne to go away. (Rhymes) Everyone wants to get rid of acne because it's looked upon as dirty, unclean and that you do not care about your appearance when that's completely not true. (In fact people with acne generally have cleaner faces because they wash them so much more)
Everyone Wants Natural Acne Treatment
Why, because these will not harm skin or the body in any way because they are pure, organic and natural. However finding a natural treatment for you may be harder than you think and I have tried many but the best one is... Drum roll please.
Grape Seed Oil, now you're probably reading this thinking "what? That's a cooking oil". Yes it is but it also is very effective for skin care that helps clear acne for good and also helps reduce the chances of cancer. Before I tell you how to use it I am just going to tell you how it works and why it is so effective at fighting acne.
Grape seed oil can benefit the body inside and out and this makes it very versatile. It is full of goodness such as:
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Fatty acids
  • Carbohydrates
These are just some of the many ingredients and they all are beneficial to skin and especially acne prone skin. The fatty acids in Grape seed oil are one of key acne clearing skin ingredients that works miracles for skin. These fatty acids help reduces lines, wrinkles and aged skin by penetrating deep into skin, tightening skin and toning skin to make stronger skin. So what will it do for acne?
What Will It Do To Your Acne
Grape seed oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and these are crucial for any acne medication/treatment in this generation. However this anti inflammatory is natural and pure that breaks down existing acne and reduces redness, sore and angry skin. That's not all it does.
Once on the skin it will keep skin hydrated without causing further breakouts like traditional oily moisturizer which makes it essential for acne sufferers and extremely handy.
In conclusion
There are many positives of grape seed oil and it's very useful against acne prone skin, wrinkles and lines. However it must be used correctly for best results otherwise your just wasting your time and money. Grape seed oil is not one to forget because it is being used in more brands every year because of its benefits.
Hope this helped is the authors website on acne and contains many pages and posts of detailed acne advice to clear acne free.
See you soon

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Body Acne: What Causes Body Acne Breakouts?

Body acne is caused by a combination of factors that may include hormonal changes, dietary factors, infection and genetics. Stress is not recognized as a cause but is known to increase the severity of breakouts and stress can trigger a flare.
Here, you can learn more about the causes and the solutions for the problem.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes that occur during puberty in young men and women, as well as hormonal changes associated with a woman's menstrual cycle can contribute to the problem. The increase in sex hormone production that occurs during puberty causes the hair-producing follicles to become larger and produce more sebum.
Sebum is oil that your body produces to lubricate hairs and for other purposes. A pimple starts out when sebum and dead skin cells combine to become trapped within a follicle or pore. Bacteria naturally present in the pores feeds on the combination and multiplies, creating a minor infection. Inflammation occurs as a result causing redness and additional swelling.
When body acne begins in adulthood, it may be related to pregnancy or a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome or Cushing's disease that also cause hormonal changes. Steroid use affects the follicles and sebum-producing glands in a similar way and pimples are considered a side effect of steroid use.
Dietary Factors
Whether or not diet is a factor has been widely debated over the years. The current belief is that a high glycemic load in the diet is associated with worsening of body acne. Lists showing the glycemic load of individual foods have been published online.
Minor infection is obviously involved in all pimples but there is evidence that overgrowth of certain types or strains of bacteria are the underlying cause. Overgrowth of the P. acnes bacteria is widely accepted as the cause, particularly of severe cases of body acne. Strains of staph are also believed to play a role. All of these bacteria have developed a resistance to commonly used antibiotics in recent years.
There seems to be some genetic factor as the condition tends to run in families and is typically present in twins who are raised apart. No specific genes have been identified as being related to body acne, but there are multiple candidates.
Solutions for Body Acne
There is little that can be done about hormonal changes and nothing to be done about genetics, although the use of appropriate skincare products can certainly be beneficial. Learning stress-reduction techniques can also help.
Following a diet that has a low glycemic load can be helpful and could also improve your overall health. Diets with a high glycemic load are associated with obesity, the development of type II diabetes and may be a cause of accelerated cellular aging.
There are excellent body lotions and facial care products that contain natural antibacterial compounds for addressing the issue of infection and bacterial overgrowth. Research has shown that antibiotic-resistant bacteria respond to natural antibacterial agents.
If you read my next article, you can learn about the natural antibacterial agents with proven benefits and the body lotions that contain them. Using the right body lotion could help you get rid of body acne for good.
You will learn more about the immediate and the long term solution by clicking HOW TO GET RID OF BODY ACNE link below in the resource box. Margaret Bell, Skin Care Specialist
And now I would like to invite you to visit for FREE Instant Access to THE GET RID OF BODY ACNE Please sign up for the FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE and SKIN CONDITIONS-SOLUTIONS. --Margaret Bell

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How To Heal Skin With Sun Damage

Whether you spent too many days running around in the sun as a kid, or just managed to get one too many major sunburns in your life, you know that the damage that your skin sustains below the surface never actually goes away. But if you accidentally forgot to reapply the sunblock and are dealing with a little bitty burn, there are definitely ways to heal a sunburn fast.
Of course, you must remember that you can't fully undo sun damage. You can ease the pain and get your complexion looking healthy again, and you can take the steps necessary to prevent future sunburns, but damage below the skin's surface accumulates over time, which is how skin cancers such as melanoma form. The best thing to do is use a natural skin lotion sunblock with an SPF of 30 or above every single time you head outdoors, and perhaps go even higher with the UV protection if you know you'll be out in the sun for hours.
But right now, you're focused on the burn you're suffering this second. The first step is to remove yourself from the sun, by getting indoors or into the shade. If it's a painful burn, you can take an aspirin to ease the pain; otherwise, a cool, damp cloth applied on the area will be enough to remove the heat from the sunburn.
Next, use an aloe vera healing gel to soothe the inflamed area, and once the skin is no longer tender, you can use other herbal skin care products that contain aloe to rehydrate and calm burned flesh. Don't forget to drink plenty of cool fluids to rehydrate your body as well. If your skin still feels dry once the sunburn is mostly healed, use the best face lotion for women that you can get, and apply it regularly until your complexion is hydrated again.
If you've had bad sunburns in the past, the best thing you can do to prevent future skin issues is to protect yourself with sunblock, and cover yourself from head to toe in it. When you're not in the sun, keep your skin hydrated daily with a natural skin cream to make up for the dehydration that comes with sun-parched skin. Try to stay in the shade instead of in direct sunlight whenever possible though; remember that your burns from the past have stuck with you, and can cause problems for you later in life if you don't take care of yourself now.
Keep healing gel on-hand so any time you get a little too much sun, you can apply it for one of the ways to heal a sunburn fast. But it's always better if you don't get burned at all.
Buy Herbal skin care products including healing gel & many more at Aloe Vella! Our skin care & healing gel products are helpful for anti-aging, acne treatment & healthy skin. For more information please visit: ways to heal a sunburn fast

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The Best Acne Treatment Alternatives

Acne is probably one of the most common skin and beauty concerns that almost every individual will experience. But its appearance or proliferation will differ from one person to another. Some people are lucky to experience mild or unnoticeable acne concerns but there are also those who are suffering from severe acne problems. The good news is that there are now several acne treatment alternatives that are proven effective in preventing and totally eliminating this skin concern.
When trying to treat acne, the solutions you could choose can be divided into two categories; the use of over-the-counter or prescribed medication, and, the all-natural acne solutions or treatments.
Medical alternatives
  • Applying benzoyl peroxide. When it comes to the medical alternatives, benzoyl peroxide is one of the top suggestions of doctors. This chemical compound is both an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It kills the bacteria which causes the growth of acne.
  • Salicylic Acid. Included in the conventional acne treatment is the application of salicylic acid. This mild acid solutions helps remove that excess oil as well all the dirt including dead skin cells which clog your pores. This is done by peeling off the outer layer of the skin.
  • Sulfur. Because acne is essentially an excess oil concern, the best treatment is to keep your facial skin dry and oil-free. Sulfur is just the right formula to do this job. Aside from absorbing all the excess facial oil created by the sebaceous glands, it also helps in drying and eventually clearing out pimples.
  • Oral or topical retinoids. Retinoids are formulated to control that excessive oil production of the sebaceous glands and they also prevent the buildup of dead skin cells on the skin's hair follicles.
  • Antibiotics. If all the other acne treatments or solutions are deemed ineffective, the doctor might eventually prescribe the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics can help if the severe acne concern already escalates to an infection or bacterial problem.
  • Laser therapy or treatment. The cosmetic industry has also its own alternative, the use of laser heat or energy. A laser treatment also aims in controlling the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.
Natural alternatives in treating acne
  • Tea-tree oil. Tea-tree oil helps treat acne through its antibacterial properties. The oil targets the bacteria that trigger the production of acne and pimples. The efficacy of this natural solution is often compared to that of benzoyl peroxide only that the results last longer.
  • Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The main purpose of washing or rubbing your face with these acids or citrus juices is to clean out the dirt lying on your skin pores that contributes to the buildup of acne or pimples.
  • Honey. Honey can be considered as an ancient acne treatment alternative. Its antibacterial properties have been widely used to solve several skin concerns since the time of the early Egyptians.
  • Clean and dry up your face regularly. Most of the time, the simple regimen of cleaning, washing, and drying up the facial skin is more than enough to clear out acne and maintain that pimple-free skin.
  • Exercise and sweating helps. Did you know that sweating greatly helps? When you sweat, you are actually excreting all those oil and dirt which lie and pile up on your pores. So if you're not fond of exercising, it's the best time to start.
  • Reduce stress. Lifestyle changes and reducing stress is also one of the best and free acne treatment alternatives. This is because stress and unhealthy lifestyle are among the causes and contributors of acne or pimples.
Finding the best acne products doesn't always have to be very hard. The best acne treatment can be very helpful to your clear skin goal.

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Acne Treatments to Heal Your Skin

If you have problem skin and none of the products in the store work, you might wish to try some acne treatments provided by estheticians at the spas in your city. They are worth trying before you ask your family doctor to refer you to a specialist in skin issues. On the other hand, you may wish to see both professionals in order to try various methods and determine what works best.
If your acne is mild, visit an esthetician. These skin care practitioners will examine your skin and from there will be able to make recommendations about which items would be the most fitting for it. They will also give you advice about what daily skin care regime would be most appropriate for your skin type. They will be able to administer deep cleansing treatments, which can help your skin to heal.
Estheticians can be found at various spa environments, including day spas, skin spas and medi-spas. They can sometimes be found working in dermatologists' offices under the physician's supervision. They are there to provide supportive acne treatments for patients.
Procedural acne treatments are used by dermatologists and estheticians alike. They are used for cases of mild to moderate to severe breakouts. They are often paired with other procedures such as systematic and topical treatments.
Comedo extractions can be performed by trained estheticians in a spa setting. Plugs in the pores are gently removed. These plugs develop in the pores due to cellular debris and sebum collection. When blackheads are removed, the occurrence of flare-ups is minimized. If you have a more serious problem beyond blackheads, such as lesions or cysts, a dermatologist may have to rid you of these in a surgical manner.
Light chemical peels offer acne treatments that exfoliate the skin. They can improve the condition of the skin because dead cells are removed, this leaving behind pores that are clear and not plugged up with dirt and debris.
Peels are made up of substances known as beta hydroxyl or glycolic acid. These chemical peels do not actually peel the skin. They simply facilitate the exfoliation process. They are used in conjunction with facials for clients who suffer from mild to moderate acne. For more serious conditions, a skin doctor should be consulted before a procedure is performed on an individual in a spa.
Microdermabrasion is an effective procedure for some skin eruptions and problems. It can be performed at a doctor's office or at a skin spa. A machine is used to discharge fine crystals over the skin's surface in a rapid manner. The purpose of it is to blast dead skin cells. It is a process that does not hurt at all. It offers a deep type of exfoliation and eliminates the plugs that are trapped in the pores. Microdermabrasion is most fitting for individuals who suffer from blackheads or whiteheads, or those who have acne that is not inflamed.
For acne treatments, New Jersey residents should consult with a dermatologist or esthetician. Visit the following to learn more about how these professional can improve the condition of your skin:

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samedi 26 octobre 2013

Internal Vs External Acne Treatment

A keen observation of acne treatment information will show that acne cure takes two broad approaches - external and internal. The former relates to topical application of creams, lotions, facemasks, etc., while the latter is about treating the root internal cause of acne. Which category do you fall into? And what is the best approach? Read on to discern the difference and get the answer!
Well, either approach is right, yet neither is complete. Considering external or topical treatment methods, they are thought to deliver active ingredients directly to the afflicted spot, setting to work immediately. Topical treatments are essential to maintain a skin care routine. Proper cleansers, exfoliators and moisturizers play a vital role in keeping your pores unclogged. In fact, conditions like hyperkeratinization need to be managed externally by delivering ingredients like salicylic acid to break the unnecessary cell bonds and keep your pores open. Another important advantage of topical remedies pertains to treating acne inflammation. Inflammation, a result of overreaction to the P. Acnes bacteria, needs some extent of external management through the application of anti-inflammatory preparations.
Coming to the internal approach, you are probably aware that it is considered to be a holistic approach. In other words, you address the systemic factors that contribute to hormonal imbalance, excessive sebum secretion and inflammation that are among the root causes of acne. Sometimes, acne happens to be one of the symptoms of underlying health problems. In such instances, you need to treat the internal issues by decreasing inflammation, controlling sebum production, balancing hormones or treating medical problems, if any.
That seems enough information to help you deduce the answer. Yes, a complete acne treatment regimen incorporates both external and internal methods. By far, your topical treatment products should be free from harsh chemical or synthetic ingredients that can potentially harm your skin. There is no dearth for home-made or herbal formulas to make your own facemasks, moisturizers, astringents, cleansers, or any skin-nourishing formulations for that matter.
Your internal treatment methods should aim to boost your bodily functions and immunity to combat hormonal imbalances and inflammations. For example, the right acne diet will deliver minerals, vitamins and other nutrients in the right proportion to keep skin problems at bay. Proteins and vitamins, especially antioxidant vitamins, help build immunity. On the other hand, excessive fat causes inflammation. Similarly, excessive carbohydrates disturb your blood sugar levels, which in turn affect the immune system and aggravate acne.
True, all nutrients are essential, but your objective is to take them in the right quantities. Avoid saturated fats that can aggravate breakouts, but make sure that you include good fats and oils, like olive oil, avocado, nuts and fish. You can include specific natural ingredients in your diet to address acne problem; for example, green tea is said to prevent excessive production of androgen, which can disturb the hormonal balance. To address deficiencies, you can take acne supplements that contain oil-balancing vitamins, essential fatty acids or detox properties.
The bottom line is that topical acne remedies address your skin's reactions to hormonal imbalance, while internal remedies work to balance the hormones.
Check out Clearade, which is an effective natural acne remedy that works on the root causes of acne. To learn about acne vitamins, visit this page.

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Clear Your Acne Scars at Home

Acne, the most common skin condition, affects up to 80% of people in their teens and mid 20s and later in their adult life. While most acne heals without permanent effects, some does not, leaving various grades of acne scarring ranging from mild to severe.
Acne scars can generally be classified into 3 types, they are -
  • Icepick Scars - narrow sharp pits or cracks in the skin, usually narrower than 2mm and can extend into the dermis and deeper into the subcutaneous layer. Traditionally very hard to treat, usually combination in-clinic treatments are required to obtain satisfactory results.

  • Boxcar Scars - are indented, round or oval scars with steeply angled sides. They can be shallow ranging to deep scars. Shallow boxcar scarring can be treated with homecare skin needling, deeper scarring may require in-clinic treatments.

  • Superficial Soft Scars - indented, round or oval scars with more gradual angled sides than boxcar or icepick scars. They can range in depth from shallow to deep. Shallow to medium depth soft acne scarring can be treated with homecare skin needling, deeper scarring may require in-clinic treatments.
History of Skin Needling
In 1994, Dr Philippe Simonin, a Swissfrench Dermatologist, published his results in Baran's Cosmetic Dermatology. In his study of 600 patients, he examined results for 2 patient groups, one with Skin Ageing and the other with old Scars. In the patient group with old scars, 60% improved with 5-6 treatments. Best results were obtained for old fibrous and depressed scars.
His ground breaking technique, which he named Electroridopuncture (ERP), remained largely unknown to the wider medical community.
Another pioneer of skin needling, Dr Andre Camirand, a Canadian plastic surgeon, made a chance observation of improvement in the texture and colour of the scars of his facelift patients, who had undergone tattooing for scar camouflage. These patients exhibited both indented and hypochromic (lightened) scars.
He experimented with tattooing facelift scars without pigment. He performed his needling procedures using a high speed tattoo gun, under local anaesthesia and treated each scar to pinpoint bleeding.
In 1997 Dr Camirand reported that one to two years after treatment the appearance of the scars was remarkably improved both in texture and colour.
He postulated that the insertion of the fine tattoo gun needles into the scars managed to breakdown scar collagen and stimulate the synthesis of healthy collagen and hypochromic skin repigmented through the transplantation of melanocytes from normal skin into the hypochromic skin during the needling procedure. He also reported the flattening of hypertrophic (overgrown, raised) scars.
In the late 1990's and early 2000's various doctors experimented with skin needling, developing skin rollers whereby numerous microneedles, of the same gauge as acupuncture needles, were mounted on rollers so as to efficiently deliver the skin needling procedure to larger areas of skin. These doctors also observed that shorter needles dramatically increased the transdermal penetration and thereby absorption of creams and serums into the skin.
Skin needling is an exciting new treatment for acne and all types of indented scarring. Skin Needling can be safely performed on all skin colours and types. There is no risk of post inflammatory hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation (lightening or darkening of the skin as a result of skin trauma) as the melanocytes (pigment skin cells) remain intact, like the dermis, during Skin Needling. This is the major distinguishing safety feature when comparing Skin Needling and other invasive procedures that are used to treat deep line and depressed scars, ie. laser resurfacing, deep chemical peels and dermabrasion.
Skin needling gives similar results to in-clinic treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, chemical skin peels and microdermabrasion but is far less invasive which translates to a far lower risk of complications (such as infection and/or pigmentation) and significantly reduced down time at a fraction of the cost.
Skin needling has been shown to -
  • improve the appearance of acne, surgical and all indented scars including stretch marks
  • improve the appearance of boxcar and superficial soft acne scars, not suitable for ice pick acne scars
  • smooth lines and wrinkle
  • improve skin texture
  • improve hypo and hyperpigmentation
  • relax scars
Skin Rollers are designed to perform the technique known as skin needling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) where needles pierce the skin to create micro channels, stimulating the upper dermis and the bodies wound healing response to produce collagen and elastin and thereby naturally infilling acne and all indented scars, lines and wrinkles. These micro channels also radically increase the absorption and effectiveness of serums and creams used to assist the skin's natural wound healing response. Creams and serums are applied after rolling.
Skin needling delivers the critical ingredients that will assist in naturally infilling mild to moderate boxcar and soft acne scars in the privacy and comfort of your home.
Generally, deep ice pick acne scars and deep facial lines will need to be treated by a medical professional using a medical face roller in combination with the homecare rollers or other in clinic treatments. However, not as deep wider acne scars and other depressed scars, aging, sun damaged and pigmented skin can be treated using homecare rollers.
Skin Needling can be performed for whole face rejuvenation, and when combined with tretinoin (vitamin A cream) or copper peptides, can deliver equivalent results to laser resurfacing with a no risk profile.
Skin needling can also be regularly repeated as a patient ages to replenish collagen and elastin, there is no limit to the number of procedures/treatments undertaken.
Skin needling has been shown to -
  • improve the appearance of acne, surgical and all indented scars including stretch marks
  • smooth lines and wrinkle
  • improve skin texture
  • relax scars
In 2005, to meet the needs of her patients, Dr Philippa McCaffery of Clearskincare developed her homecare skin roller range after 2 years of research, design, development and patient trials to bring an effective and affordable skin roller to the public and clinicians.
The Clearskincare Acne Scar Solution -
• Clearskincare Skin & Scalp Roller
• Clearskincare Copper Peptide Serum
The Clearskincare Skin & Scalp Roller was designed for the homecare treatment of indented scars such as acne and chicken pox scars, advanced sundamaged and ageing skin.
Using the Clearskincare Skin & Scalp Roller is not painful and there is no down time. The roller is used daily, there is no bleeding (minor spotting may occur), reddening of the skin, scabbing or pain.
Results will be noticeable from the Clearskincare Skin & Scalp Roller after 2 cycles (80 days). Significant results should be evident after 4-6 cycles (5-8 months).
Clearskincare CP Serum -
1. assists skin renewal - reduces the appearance of scars, wrinkles and fine lines; an
2. reduces the appearance of skin ageing - firms the skin, reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles, reduces blotchiness and blemishes, improves elasticity, skin plumpness and texture.
Every client who has undertaken skin needling has improved the appearance of their scars.

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Clarisonic Mia Review - Does It Worth the Money for Your Skin Care?

Sonic Technology Makes the Best Acne Products Obsolete. After ten years of pinching, squeezing and popping zits, some unbiased Clarisonic Mia reviews and a co-worker's recommendation convinced me to give this peanut-shaped scrubber a try.
I am NOT a fan of zits, although I had just about grown used to the fact that I'd have them for the rest of my life, or at least through my twenties. I'm 23 now, and six months ago I decided to experiment with the Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System. Of course, I wasn't going to let a few positive testimonies convince me that Clarisonic makes the best acne products. I decided to search the web for more information.
A Little Bit About Myself
But before I go any further, let me give you a little background about my own skin condition. Bad acne runs in my family and lasts into adulthood. I could tell that I inherited the gene when my pimples started to develop in the same patter as my two older brothers'. I have sensitive skin, so most of the cleansers on the market cause an unbearable burning sensation. Even the best acne products were about as effective as putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.
Basic About Clarisonic
Let's get back to Clarisonic. My first stop was the company's website. I went to the Skin Cleansing Systems section and saw an advertisement for the Clarisonic Mia, a rechargeable scrubber that looks like a peanut with a brush on the end. I noticed the $119 price tag that I saw posted in many Clarisonic Mia reviews.
The Clarisonic Mia uses sonic technology. It works with the elasticity of your skin to remove dirt and other impurities. The company states that the product is more effective than traditional cleansing methods. These claims left me with two questions-what is sonic technology? And how exactly does it remove more impurities than cleansing with my hands?
What is Sonic Technology?
The website says that sonic technology uses a frequency of more than 300 motions per second to remove two times more oil and six times more makeup than traditional cleansers. I opened a video link to get more info.
The video claimed that the sonic frequency leaves skin smooth, clean and younger-looking. It also said that crow's feet and fine lines virtually disappear.
I was pretty much sold. I was willing to pay a lot more than $119 to cure my acne, and this would be a one-time expense, unlike costly prescription creams and medications. My skin had started to develop its first signs of aging thanks sun damage from ten years of avid surfing. The claim that the product helps soften crow's feet was supported by many of the Clarisonic Mia reviews that I read. If I could kill two birds with one stone, I would be convinced that this was one of the best acne products on the market. But before I pulled out the credit card, I wanted to do a little more research.
What is Clarisonic Mia and How to Use it?
Clarisonic sells multiple products that utilize sonic technology. The Mia is the smallest, with one button and one speed. The $119 kit includes:
  • The Clarisonic Mia scrubber
  • A universal battery charger, which is rechargeable for up to 30 minutes of use
  • One brush head
  • 1 ounce of Refreshing Gel Cleanser
One of the most likeable aspects of this device is it produces results with minimal effort. Clarisonic Mia reviews state that it is gentle enough to use twice a day. Operating the scrubber is simple, but if you're interested, here are the directions:
  1. Charge the device for 24 hours before the first use.
  2. Wet the skin and apply cleanser to the brush head.
  3. Using a circular motion, gently scrub for ten seconds on each cheek
  4. 20 seconds on the forehead, and 20 seconds on the nose and chin areas.
The entire process takes about one minute. The Mia is safe for all skin types. It is recommended for use with non-abrasive cleansers. The device is also effective on the neck and other areas of the body. It is waterproof for use in a shower or bathtub.
Clarisonic Mia Before and After Photos
I looked up some before-and-after pictures. I had seen some impressive ones posted in Clarisonic Mia reviews, and I was curious about how they compared to the pictures on the website. The photos not only showed a reduction in the number of pimples, but there was a noticeable difference in skin texture. People's skin looked smoother with less bumps and diminished inflammation.
In two of the photos, a black light was used to demonstrate the product's effect on oil and makeup residue. I was naturally skeptical, but if this peanut-shaped scrubber could make my face half as clear as the photos on the website, it would be one of the best acne products around.
My Experience with Clarisonic Mia 
The pore-opening power of the Mia helps prepare skin to absorb moisturizers and serums. According to Clarisonic Mia reviews, just about everyone notices a difference when a cleanser is applied, especially in dry skin patches and blemishes. The website offers several variations, including Acne Clarifying Cleanser, Refining Skin Polish, Opal Anti-Aging Sea Serum and Gentle Hydro Cleanser. However, I had plenty of face wash in the cabinet, and the kit already came with a 1 ounce bottle of gel cleanser. So, I was ready to check-out.
Seven days later, my kit arrived. Like the instructions said, I charged the device for 24 hours. It was time to see if all those positive Clarisonic Mia reviews were fact or fiction.
I have to say, it felt a little odd putting something that moves 300 times per second on my face, but it is actually a pretty great massage. However, the first time I used it, I made one huge mistake. I tried to use my own face wash, but it was way too strong to be left on my face for a whole minute. I felt like my face was on fire, but that was my own stupidity at work. That same day, I used the gel cleanser that came with the kit and it felt fantastic.
I started noticing significant changes in about two weeks. My acne had all but disappeared and the inflammation had subsided within the first ten days. This was truly one of the best acne products that I had tried. It turned into something that I looked forward to after work. A face massage that is healthy, quick and virtually free? I was hooked.
It's six months later and I've never been happier with the condition of my skin. My face is completely clear and I have fewer visible pores. I still order the gel cleanser because it prevents dry patches and feels great on my skin. My only change was the addition of a few different brush heads. My favorite is the one designed for sensitive skin, but I also use the body scrubber for my shoulders and back.
According to some Clarisonic Mia reviews, the Deep Pore brush head is very effective, but I was afraid to try it because of my sensitive skin. If you really want to know why the Mia is one of the best acne products around, it's worth the $25 investment to buy the right brush head.
Is Clarisonic Mia One of the Best Acne Products?
Below is a list of common benefits reported from users:
  • 2x more effective than manual cleansing
  • 6x more makeup remal than manual cleansing
  • Removes blackheads and whiteheads
  • Reduces acne breakouts
  • Pores appear smaller
  • Reduces oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Helps skin care products absorb better
  • Clean and radiant skin
  • Soft, non-abrasive for all skin types
  • 100% money back guarantee
  • Waterproof
The Clarisonic Mia is an excellent product that works for me. Everyone's different, and you may have to do some experimenting to find a regimen that works for you, but the Mia is hands-down one of the best acne products on the market.
For more information on Clarisonic Mia Reviews, you can visit, a popular website that offers the latest information on "how to treat acne" and the "top acne products".

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How to Treat Acne Effectively With the Amazing Sugar Detox

How to Treat Acne with Tremendous Results - 21 Day Sugar Detox
In this article, I will reveal the secrets to eliminate acne with the amazing 21 day sugar detox system. Recent studies found that people who had higher intake of sugar and a high glycemic diet (rice, bread and pasta) had more acne breakouts. Cutting down on sugar and consume a low glycemic diet can result in significant acne improvements.
In addition to fewer acne breakouts, the other benefits of sugar reduction include weight loss, fewer hair loss, drastic reduction of acne causing hormones in your body and the prevention of type II diabetes. By learning how to treat acne with sugar detox, you will benefit more than just clear healthy skin. You will have a healthy body to match.
Two Main Contributors to Acne
Hormones and inflammation are two main contributors to acne. Hormones are responsible for overproduction of sebum and skin cell growth, which can lead to clogged pores. Inflammation causes an eruption inside the blocked pores and creates a breeding ground for acne bacteria. This condition will eventually lead to acne breakouts.
The Links Between Sugar and Acne
1. Sugar and Hormones
Sugar spikes up your acne causing hormones such as androgens, insulin and insulin growth factor (IGF-1). Androgens are responsible for overactive sebum production and skin cell growth. Both insulin and IGF-1 are triggered by high blood sugar levels. Research Studies show that both insulin and IGF-1 are related to:
  • Increase the severity of acne lesion
  • Overly active sebum production
  • Increase pore size
A shocking fact about sugar is this. Sugar converts into sebum. Anytime you consume food with a high concentration of sugar, you are increasing sebum production and aggravate more breakouts.
2. Sugar and Inflammation
Inflammation is the second main contributor to acne. Many research studies have shown that acne is directly correlated to high level of inflammation. Skin is vulnerable to inflammation when it is depleted of antioxidants. Diet full of saturated fats, omega-6, and processed vegetable oils can also trigger inflammation.
Sugar promotes inflammation. It was illustrated in the study from Am erican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study showed that drinking 1 to 2 cans of soda per day can increase inflammation levels from 87% to 105%.
If you want to learn how to treat acne effectively, you should avoid sugar and take anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats (fish oil). This will improve your acne condition tremendously.
The Myth Between Diet and Acne
Diet does not cause acne. High glycemic index (GI) foods are the main culprit of acne breakouts. High GI foods are foods that can elevate blood sugar levels quickly. Sugar and refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, ice cream, soda, etc) are considered as high glycemic index foods. On the other hand, whole grains and vegetables are labeled as low glycemic foods.
A diet rich in low glycemic index foods can lower blood sugar levels, acne causing hormones, insulin and inflammation. Learning how to treat acne with a low glycemic diet can result in 80% reduction in acne breakouts and a more vibrant healthy looking skin.
Below is a list of basic low and high GI foods:
Low GI Foods
  • Oat Bran
  • Wholegrain
  • Whole Wheat
  • Broccoli
  • Lettuce
  • Mushrooms
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Peanuts
  • Walnuts
  • Corn Chips
  • Brown Rice
  • Yam
  • Lentils
  • Chick Peas
  • Soy Milk
  • Yoghurt
High GI Foods
  • Sugar
  • Cornflakes
  • Cheerios
  • White bread
  • Bagel
  • Parsnips
  • Watermelon
  • Dates
  • Donuts
  • Maple syrup
  • French fries
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Ice cream
  • Pretzels
  • Scones
  • Soda
  • Junk Foods
What is 21 Day Sugar Detox?
If you want to learn 1) how to treat acne naturally, 2) how to treat severe acne, 3) how to cure break outs, or even 4) how to treat acne rosacea, then this program will help you greatly. 21 Day Sugar Detox is a powerful diet solution that help stop sugar craving, lower acne causing hormones, reduce insulin spikes and stop acne inflammation or swelling.
Besides the benefit of acne reduction, other health improvements include:
  • Reduction in hair loss
  • Significant weight loss
  • Reduced energy spikes and dips throughout the day
  • Reduced fatigue, lethargy, depression and anxiety
  • Reduced brain fog and cloudy thinking
  • Reduced intense hunger craving
  • Clearer skin
  • Reduction in pore size
  • Prevent the onset of diabetes
How Does 21 Day Sugar Detox Work?
21 Day Sugar Detox targets the foods you eat. By replacing certain high glycemic index foods with low glycemic index foods, you will free yourself from sugar craving forever.
Basic 21 Day Sugar Detox Program
Instructions for the next 21 days
  1. Remove all sugar and high GI foods from your diet
  2. Eliminate foods from the "foods to avoid" list below
  3. Consume foods on the "good foods" list below
Symptoms you will encounter during the 21 days
At first, your craving for sugar will become more pronounced. It is perfectly normal. It usually takes 3 to 4 days to get over the craving, and you will get use to it. This is probably the toughest part of the program, but it is definitely worth it. You will experience common positive and negative symptoms when your body starting to adjust. They are:
Positive Symptoms
  • Your energy will go up tremendously
  • Notable improvement in your skin appearance (less dull)
  • Your pimples become less inflamed
  • You will see a small drop in your weight
  • Better Sleep
  • Elevated mood/less depression
Negative Symptoms
  • Lethargic/low energy
  • Irritable
  • Sporadic sleep
  • More emotionally sensitive
Foods to Eat and Avoid for Your 21 Day Sugar Detox
Food to Avoid:
  • Agave Nectar
  • Alcohol
  • All Fried Foods
  • All Fruit not on Good Foods List
  • All Grains not on Good Foods list
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • White Bread
  • Buckwheat
  • Candy
  • Cereal
  • Cheese
  • Cream Sauces
  • Sugar
  • Sucrose
  • Sugar
Good Foods
  • All Sea Vegetables
  • All Vegetables, except potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Organic Chicken
  • Goji Berries
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Maca
  • Fish
  • Beans
  • Coconut Oil
  • Brown Rice
  • Green Life Smoothie
  • Carrots
  • Incan Berries (Golden Berries)
  • Organic Turkey
  • Bee Pollen
Your body will be going through a major cleansing phase during these 21 days. You will be able to function at a peak level after the detox. Glowing healthy skin with a drastic reduction in acne is a guarantee if you follow this program.
Learning how to treat acne is about eliminating the main cause of acne, and that is "sugar".
For in-depth information on how to treat acne with sugar detox, you can visit, a popular website that offers the latest information on "how to treat acne" and the "top acne products".

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