samedi 21 septembre 2013

Hormonal Acne - Important Things to Know

The relationship between hormones and acne is indeed unremitting. Hence, it is not surprising to see that a lot scientific research has gone into studying hormonal acne. Hormonal imbalances or hormonal changes can occur at any stage your life, but with appropriate measures, even persistent acne can be dealt with. In several instances, assistance of specialists - endocrinologists - can be of immense help in investigating findings to regulate hormones.
What is the science behind hormonal acne? Overactive hormones increase the production of sebum, i.e. skin oil, in areas such as face, neck, shoulders, upper arms, chest and back, where sebaceous glands are densely grouped. Too much of sebum tends to attract dust and trap bacteria, thereby clogging your skin pores. As bacteria thrive and multiply, the affected pores are inflamed and become red, tender and swollen. Most of us are aware that hormonal imbalance is invariably associated with teen acne, which affects girls and boys alike at puberty. But, hormonal acne is not limited to teenagers, as it affects several age groups.
Hormonal acne manifests as typical acne lesions namely, zits, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads. The skin appears oily with a peculiar shine to it. Though hormonal acne affects both men and women, it is more recurrent in women as they experience hormonal imbalances during various stages of their life, such as menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and ovulation. If such is the case, you may need medical prescriptions, such as oral corticosteroids, which inhibit the production of androgen, the hormone responsible for overactive sebaceous glands. Anti-androgens stop androgen production and hinder excessive secretion of sebum. Oral contraceptive pills may be prescribed to treat estrogen-progesterone fluctuations that trigger acne. However, side-effects many be pronounced, meaning that medical supervision is mandatory.
What are the possible causes of hormonal acne? Mental stress is highly instrumental in inducing hormonal acne in teens and adults alike. Depending on your lifestyle, make sure that you adopt proper stress-reduction measures or stress-release activities - adequate sleep, regular exercise, temper-management, etc. - which will ultimately help you control the secretion of harmful stress hormones.
Obesity is also a cause for recurring hormonal acne. This is because excess weight converts estrogens to androgens, which triggers excessive sebum production and makes your skin more susceptible to acne breakouts. So, weight management and stress management can prove to be effective natural remedies for acne induced by overactive hormones. Women affected with certain conditions like polycystic ovary are also prone to hormonal imbalance and the resultant acne. Hormonal therapies, birth control treatments and steroids are other possible causes.
Though hormonal acne has nothing to do with bad hygiene, it is important to maintain a proper skin cleansing routine. Using gentle acne products, such as facial cleansers and body washes that reduce oiliness and clogging of skin pores can keep all types of acne at bay. Make sure that you reduce excessive sebum, dirt and sweat on your skin through simple practices, such as showering after workouts, keeping your fingers off your face, washing pillow cases frequently and wearing clothes made of breathable material.
Check out Clearade, which is an effective natural acne remedy that works on the root causes of acne. To learn about acne vitamins, visit this page.

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