mardi 25 février 2014

Important Advice on Managing Acne

It can prove quite frustrating waiting for your acne to clear. Furthermore, without proper treatment, the condition can cause depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and permanent scars. To avoid these outcomes, dermatologists' advice on acne is required. When the skin seems to clear, treatment should continue to prevent new breakouts. At the right time, the dermatologist will advise when treatment is no longer needed to prevent breakouts.
There are many recommended ways for treating acne, which means every problem can be controlled. However, you need to know that not every treatment may work for you. Those who have a mild case of acne- with whiteheads, papules, pustules (aka pimples) and/or blackheads- can benefit from products containing salicyclin acid or benzoyl. To manage the acne, the following skin care tips can help, including:
Keep your face clean
It is advisable to wash your face twice a day. Furthermore, perspiration, particularly when you are wearing a helmet or hat, can worsen acne. Therefore, it is important to wash your skin the earliest time possible after sweating. You can use some lukewarm water to rinse your face. Furthermore, if you have oily hair, it is advisable to consider shampoo daily.
Be gentle on your skin
Dry, red skin can worsen acne. Make sure to use gentle, non-alcoholic products to moisturize your skin. Avoid using any products that can irritate your skin, including astringents, exfoliants and toners. Furthermore, to avoid irritating the skin, make it a point to use your finger to apply a non-abrasive, gentle cleanser. Using a mesh sponge or wash cloth can aggravate the condition. In addition, avoid the temptation of scrubbing your skin because this is likely to worsen the acne.
Allow the skin to heal
It is important to keep your hands away from your face. Touching the skin, every now and then, can cause flare-ups. Avoid the habit of picking, popping or squeezing your acne to help your skin clear naturally and faster. Furthermore, this will help minimize the risk of developing acne scars.
Stay away from the sun
The sun, like the tanning beds can damage your skin. Furthermore, some of the medications administered to treat acne often make the skin sensitive to UV (ultraviolet) light derived outdoors from the sun or indoors from tanning beds.
Consult a dermatologist
In cases where OTC products have not worked and the acne is darkening the skin or leaving scars, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. A good dermatologist can treat existing acne and prevent new outbreaks. In addition, he/she can reduce chances of developing scars.
We provide the best info about Acne and acne advise. For further details please visit the provided links.

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Recommended Techniques for Treating Acne

Acne is a common skin problem affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world. In the US alone, there are about 40-50 million people with acne. The condition affects people in all ages, including men and women, and particularly teens and young adults. Some women get the condition when they have attained the age of 30. Acne often appears in clogged skin pores. The clogs begin with dead skin cells which rise to the pore's surface, which are then shed by the body. When the skin starts to generate lots of sebum, the dead skin remains in the pore. Instead of finding its way to the skin surface, the dead cells are trapped in the pores.
Sometimes bacteria reside inside the clogged skin pores, and they are offered an ideal environment for multiplying quickly. When you have loads of bacteria residing in your pores, the skin becomes red and swollen (inflamed). When the inflammation gets deep, nodules or acne cyst appear on the skin. Acne treatment is recommended the earliest time possible. Some of the recommended treatments include:
The aim of microdermabrasion is to "resurface" the face. Fortunately, the procedure is not intense. The doctor often uses a brush to get rid of thick layers of surface skin. This helps to reduce or eliminate acne scars on the layers of the skin cells. A small device is then used to bombard the facial skin with aluminum oxide particles while sucking crystals off the face. This painless and easy procedure can last for about 30 minutes. Microdermabrasion is known to stimulate the production of new skin. Following the treatment, the skin becomes smoother and any discoloration (acne-caused or natural) in the face is diminished. To get the desired results, you will need several treatments, often varying with the condition of the problem.
Heat therapy
This type of treatment helps to destroy acne causing bacteria. In addition, the procedure can help reduce the sebaceous glands, which often clog with the oils they produce. When their size is shrunken or reduced, the glands end up producing less oil, translating to fewer breakouts. The heat opens up the spores, heats up the follicles and increases chemical reaction initiated by the light treatment among the bacteria. People who undergo the heat treatment often experience redness over the treated areas, which clear up shortly. The procedure is ongoing, lasting about a month, with the results becoming evident within 2 weeks.
We provide the best info about Acne and Acne treatment. For further details please visit the provided links.

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Here Are Some Quick Ways To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Do you have blackheads? Are you feeling embarrassed about it - with those tiny, dark spots on your skin? Do you want to know how to get rid of blackheads?
It's every person's dream to get flawless, glowing skin and leave these adolescent problems behind. Everyone wants to know how they can improve their facial appearance and look their best at all times. It is every teenager's desire to banish comedones and end their frustration once and for all.
So the question is... what are blackheads and how do you get rid of it?
Well... this article discusses how to get rid of blackheads and be on your way to a clearer skin.
What are blackheads?
Blackheads also known as open comedones are black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin and occur with or without acne. They are said to be the first stage of acne. They are called blackheads because they look black or dark in color. But this is mostly not the case since some blackheads can be yellowish in color. Comedones and acne in general usually develop after the beginning or early stages of puberty.
Studies indicate that blackheads or comedones can affect people with any type of skin, but they are generally more common in those with oily skin. According to American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects about 40 - 50 million Americans.
They are caused by many factors. For instance, overproduction of oil, changes in your hormones, bacteria, genetic factors. They are annoying but if they are not effectively treated, they can lead to acne.
Given below are ways you can remove or prevent comedones from forming.
How to get rid of blackheads
1. Wash your face
Blackheads are known to appear on the skin as a result of oil buildup. However, the best approach to get rid of your blackheads is to wash your face properly. Dermatologists or skin specialists recommend washing the face once or twice each day with a gentle soap.
Use a mild soap that has been approved by dermatologists for the face. Do not wash your face with harsh cleansers since it will make your skin produce more oil leading to blackheads. Make sure your hands and fingers are clean when washing the face and use a good recommended facial cleanser afterwards.
2. Squeeze them out
In order to do this, you need to use warm water or take a warm shower to warm your skin to properly squeeze them out. Steaming the face helps to soften and expands comedones and makes it much easier to remove or squeeze out the blackheads. It is however recommended you use an extracting tool to remove your blackheads. The extraction can also be done at a salon or you can have a skin specialist do it.
3. Apply natural remedies
Applying natural remedies such as lemon juice, clay mask, yogurt, honey, baking soda, oatmeal, and others onto your skin can help you get rid of your blackheads.
4. Eat a healthy diet
Have a habit of adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. It will ensure that your skin have all the necessary nutrients and vitamins it needs. Cut down your fats and carbohydrates intake to help you prevent the development of blackheads.
5. Reduce the use of makeup
Too much makeup on the face can clog pores and worsen the situation causing more blackheads and even whiteheads. Skin experts or dermatologists also recommend you wash off your makeup every evening before bed time with the use of beauty products without oil - that is using skin products recommended for evening use.
6. Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliating your skin is also a good way to remove blackheads. The good news is getting rid of blackheads is easy through proper exfoliating of the skin. One known key element to exfoliate the skin is the use of baking soda. You mix the baking soda with either apple cider vinegar or water and create a scrubbing paste. Apply it to the affected area and wait for about 20 minutes then rinse.
This blackhead treatment is known to get rid of blackheads by absorbing excess oil on the face and eliminating bacteria.
7. Using Toothpaste (And Salt)
Another way to get rid of blackheads is to use a mixture of toothpaste and salt on your face. You do this by mixing together a pint of salt and an inch-sized paste in a small bowl and apply it on the affected area with a toothbrush. Gently scrub the face for a short period of time. It is advised you keep the toothpaste away from the eyes to prevent irritating to the eyes. (NOTE: Use a different toothbrush and not the one you use to brush your teeth)
8. Get Enough Sleep
Avoid stress by getting enough sleep and rest. It will help you to live a healthy and a well-nourished lifestyle.
So there you have it - how to get rid of blackheads. I believe this article has pointed out some useful skin care tips you can follow to get rid of blackheads. Follow the above tips and you would be on your way to a flawless and clear skin that you've always wished for.
Got any skin care tips of your own to share? Share in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends.
Do you have acne? What are the causes or the flare up factors? Find out by visiting:
©Copyright 2014 Josh Manuel
Josh Manuel is a beauty and skin care enthusiast who helps men and women reach their full potential and gain greater self-confidence by finding their beauty from the inside out. Visit and grab the FREE report "Cheat Sheet For Being Beautiful - The Secrets To Easy Beauty With No Difficulties".
Over 4000 people have used the free report to have better looks and a vibrant life they love waking up to. Sign up free.

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How To Fix Acne Problems For Good

Although acne is a problem that many people suffer from, it is still a painful issue that devastates many people and rules many peoples lives. The advice in this article can help you stop worrying about blackheads and obsessing over acne outbreaks. Use this advice on ways to prevent outbreaks and have a clear, healthy complexion.
You may want to look into what you are eating if you have severe acne. Research has yet to confirm that unhealthy diets cause acne, but if you're not getting all the nutrients you need from what you eat, it's harder for your body to fight off acne's effects. Eating lean meat, fruits and vegetables instead of junk food will allow your body to get all the nutrients it needs to keep your skin healthy and clear.
One of the most important things to remember is to keep your body hydrated. Though soda and sugary drinks may seem refreshing, they do little to replenish your body's water supply. Remember, water is the most valuable player in the beverage world. Juicing at home can be a healthy alternative when you want a change of pace from water. When you juice your own fruits and veggies, your drinks are much more nutritious.
Maca can greatly benefit your body. It's available in powder form and is taken to help balance the body's systems. It has no known negative impact. Begin the program by reading the directions carefully and start out with small steps.
Cleaning is important, but using the right cleanser is also an essential part of proper skin care. Don't use harsh chemicals on your skin, as this can make it feel even drier. Tea tree oil is a great antibiotic cleaning solution that is unlikely to irritate your skin.
Garlic is a great, natural way to deal with any irritations on the skin. Pimples are caused or aggravated by bacteria, and garlic has natural antibacterial properties. Simply crush a clove or two; then put the mixture on your problem areas. Try to avoid getting the garlic in your eyes. There will be some stinging, but it will kill the bacteria that causes the infection. Wait for a couple of minutes, rinse off the garlic, and dry your face. Do not aggravate your skin by scrubbing.
To shrink your pores, use a natural green clay mask. The clay in the mask does an excellent job of soaking up the excess oils present in your skin. Allow the mask to dry completely, and then meticulously rinse your skin. Once you have gently patted your skin dry, wipe away any left over clay with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel.
You skin can be negatively affected by the results of stress which will cause breakouts. Prolonged and severe stress is bad for your overall health. For instance, stress may make you more susceptible to infection. By minimizing stress, you will be helping to keep your skin free of blemishes, and looking healthy.
It is important to plan your skin care. Your skin will feel and look amazing by using these tips as part of your regular routine. A weekly mask and garlic treatment, along with washing twice per day, will leave you with radiant skin.
Lilia Gray is well known as an article author who enjoys almost everything associated with beauty, and likes to use Keshima Cosmetic Brush Sets.

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Here Are Some Quick Ways To Get Rid of Acne

Do you have acne? Are you frustrated about it? Do you want to know the tips you can use to get rid of acne? If yes, it is time to take a closer look at your skin care routine.
Men want to know how to get rid of acne - how they can improve the look of their facial appearance - and it is every woman's desire to have a gorgeous looking skin free from spots. Women want to know how they can make their face and skin look clearer and beautiful. We all want a skin without a facial blemish, a skin without scars, spotless skin, and a skin we can be proud of. We want to look beautiful and bring that beauty out.
Every person wants to know how to get rid of acne but sadly, acne often rears its ugly head and makes everything fizzle out in a flash.
Sounds like what is happening to you most of the time? Well, you are NOT alone.
Getting rid of acne is not just about applying any products on your face. If you really want to get a clear, radiant skin, you should learn a couple of tips from this article and follow some proven ways.
In this article, we are going to look at how to get rid of acne and how you can have the skin you've always dreamt of. You will also get to know what causes acne and of course what to do to avoid it.
Teenagers are mostly the victims of these skin problems and it can lower their self-esteem as well as their confidence - meaning they become socially insecure both psychological and emotionally.
Many teenagers will notice the appearance of acne or pimple early during their youth and once they reach adulthood, they see things getting better.
Before we look at the tips and tricks to get rid of acne, let us first take a look at the common skin conditions caused by acne and what really contributes to acne.
Pimples, blemishes as well as blackheads are some of the common skin conditions caused by acne.
This normally happens when too much oil is released from the skin glands and the oil builds up when a skin pore is blocked.
The most common parts of the body which normally get infected are the face, back, chest and the upper arms.
When the acne strikes, it frustrates many people since they finds it difficult to control it.
What causes Acne?
The factors below are known to contribute to acne:
  • Hormones
  • Genetics
  • Medication
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Use of heavy or oily cosmetics
  • Over-abrasive cleansing
There are also other factors which can cause existing acne to flare up and create more skin problems. Examples are:
  • Diet
  • Stress
  • Heavy scrubbing of skin
  • Environmental irritants
  • Pressure from helmets or hats, backpacks, tight clothing
However if you need some acne treatment, you will need to find a good skin care regimen to suppress its growth. Home remedies to treat acne are also a good approach which can be made by anybody and without difficulties.
But it is recommended you first consult your doctor or dermatologist if you have a severe form of acne since he will be in the best position to help you get rid of scars.
Given below are how to get rid of acne and get a radiant, flawless natural looking skin in days.
How to Get Rid of Acne
1. Do Not Squeeze Your Pimples
Whenever you squeeze or pop your pimple, it makes the blemishes spread out leading to more facial infections and inflammatory diseases.
2. Drink plenty of clean water
Personally I think this is simple enough. It is a natural and a safe remedy to cure your acne. Drink 7-8 glasses of water each day to cleanse your body of toxins. These toxins actually contribute to the development and spread of acne.
What I know to work and will work for you is to add some lemon or herbal ingredients to the water. For instance boil corn and fenugreek seeds then add to the water. Lemon is known to cleanse and detoxify the body.
3. Fenugreek leaves
Another natural remedy on to get rid of acne is using fenugreek leaves - It prevents breakouts. You crush the leaves and make a paste. Apply it to the infected area of the skin each night before you go to bed then wash it away with warm water the next morning when you wake up.
4. Hot and Cold Compresses
This is the best known natural remedy that is recommended to get rid of acne. You use hot and cold wet towel and apply firmly on the infected area to reduce swelling and get rid of clogged pores.
5. Wash your face regularly
This is one of the best acne treatments and dermatologists advise to wash the face at least twice each day not only if you want to get rid of acne but for effective skin care. Use a natural facial cleanser and a warm water to wash your face. This helps remove pollutants and dirt that have settled on the skin.
Never use soap with strong detergent and do not scrub the skin since it only worsens your skin condition. Studies indicate too much scrubbing will worsen the acne and as well cause a facial blemish.
6. Wash your hair regularly
This is especially important if you have a long hair. Washing your hair on a regular basis is vitally essential if you want to get rid of your acne. Washing your hair removes excess dirt and oil that has settled on the skin.
7. Do not use strong astringents
If you desire to get rid of your acne, make sure you avoid strong astringents since it can cause more skin irritation. It is only advisable if you have oily skin.
8. Using Oil and Juice
  • Almond oil - It helps with getting rid of acne scars.
  • Apricot juice - It helps to relieve cysts.
  • Cucumber juice - Used as a topical application, can be combined with lettuce, carrot juice, or alfalfa.
  • Citric fruit juices - For instance lemon juice, serve as a natural exfoliate, removes dead skin cells. Applied on face for about 10 minutes then rinse it with cool water.
9. Apply Honey Mask on Your Face
It has anti-bacterial qualities that kill bacteria on the skin surface. It is mostly applied once or twice every week depending on the results.
10. Apply Distilled White Vinegar on the Infected Area
Apply it for about 5-10 minutes then rinse it thoroughly with cool water. Vinegar is often known to be a little strong hence it is recommended you dilute it.
11. Diet and vitamin supplements
Eat a healthy diet and take vitamin supplements to prevent some bio-chemical conditions which contribute to the development of acne.
12. Vitamin A
In severe cases of acne, people actually use vitamin A to successfully treat it. But it is recommended to consult a doctor if you want to use vitamin-A as a remedy because when excessively used (used overdose), it can do more harm done good.
13. Zinc
Zinc is known to heal acne lesions when added to a diet. It is also known to help in the prevention of scarring.
So there you have it - how to get rid of acne. Know that we are all different and unique in our own way, some have dry skin and others have oily skin. What could make John have acne might not make Jane have hers. I drink or consume diet high in sugar today and the next morning I wake up with pimple on my forehead. But you wouldn't experience such a situation - your case might be different. So know what causes your pimple or acne and do your best to avoid them. Know what works for you and stick it.
I believe this article has pointed out some useful skin care tips on how to get rid of acne. Got any acne treatment of your own to share? What makes you have such a clearer, glowing skin? Share in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends.
So what are the other factors that cause acne? What are the flare-up factors? Find out at,
©Copyright 2014 Josh Manuel
Josh Manuel is a beauty and skin care enthusiast who helps men and women reach their full potential and gain greater self-confidence by finding their beauty from the inside out. Visit and grab the FREE report "Cheat Sheet For Being Beautiful - The Secrets To Easy Beauty With No Difficulties".
Over 4000 people have used the free report to have better looks and a vibrant life they love waking up to. Sign up free.

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What Everybody Should Know About Acne

Acne also known as Acne Vulgaris, it is an inflammatory disease or skin condition that involves the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules, pustules or comedones. Acne is a term dermatologists (skin specialists) or skin experts use to mean clogged pores, pimples and lumps or cysts that a person have on the face, neck, shoulder, back, chest, and the upper arms.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin disorder in the USA. It occurs when the oil-secreting glands in the skin are clogged and become infected or inflamed. Acne affects the skin's oil glands, and these glands secrete an oily substance known as sebum.
In this article, we are going to look at what acne is and the types of acne. You will also get to know what causes acne and the treatments one can adopt to get rid of it.
What is acne?
Teenagers during puberty are more likely to suffer from acne. Studies indicate that about 85% of people between the ages of 12 - 25 have had acne at some point in their lives.
Boys and girls in their teens want to know how they can cure their acne and end the embarrassment they face in public.
It is everyone's desire to get rid of their acne and get a clearer looking skin that they can be proud of.
It is known that teenagers are not the only ones who suffer from this skin disorder, adults as well can experience the appearance of pimple on their skin. Even adults in their 40's are known to also have this skin condition.
There are many types of acne and none is known to be life threatening. However, the more severe your acne is, the more likely it is to leave a negative appearance on your skin or face, leaving you with scars.
Acne affects both boys and girls equally, but there are some distinguishing differences. Men in their early ages are more prone to have long-term severe acne but women on the other hand can experience intermittent acne because of their cosmetics use and their hormonal changes.
Types of pimples
  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules
  • Cysts
What causes Acne?
Though it is known that acne affects teenagers during puberty and adults, there is no one known factor that brings about the appearance of acne on the skin - no one is completely sure. However experts believe there are some factors that cause acne, including
  • Hormones
  • Rise in androgen levels
  • Genetics
  • Some medications
  • Diet high in sugar and milk products
  • Heavy or oily cosmetics use
  • Over-abrasive cleansing
  • Environmental irritants
  • Heavy scrubbing of skin
How is Acne Treated?
Acne can be treated by the use of products available at your local drugstore or by using over-the-counter cosmetics. However, for a severe case of acne, it is advised you consult a physician or a skin specialist for treatment options.
Acne is treated with the aim of keeping oil and dirt out of the pores and reducing inflammation.
There are a lot of products and treatments out there that can be used to prevent pimples or blackheads. The treatment usually starts with applying products containing benzoyl peroxide on the affected areas of skin.
However, if by using benzoyl peroxide, you don't notice any effective changes, then antibiotic medications may also be used; either applied on the skin, or your health care provider prescribe one to be taken by mouth.
Another known treatment is the use of skin cream or gel containing tretinoin (Retin-A).
How to get rid of Acne
  • Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap.
  • Change your wash cloth every day (since bacteria are known to grow on damp cloth).
  • Keep clean hands. Wash them frequently and avoid touching your face unnecessarily.
  • Do NOT squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin. Squeezing them will leave scars on your face.
  • Exercise more regularly.
  • Avoid hot kitchens.
  • Don't rest your face on your hands.
  • Those with long hair should shampoo them at least twice a week.
  • Style your hair away from the face
  • Although it is not known that some foods cause acne, majority of people have found that there are some foods they eat that worsen their acne. However keep a record of the foods you eat and avoid those foods that make your acne to appear.
Know that we are all different and unique in our own way, some have dry skin and others have oily skin. What could make John have acne might not make Jane have hers. I drink or consume diet high in sugar today and the next morning I wake up with pimple on my forehead. But you wouldn't experience such a situation - your case might be different. So know what causes your pimple or acne and do your best to avoid them. Know what works for you and stick it.
I believe this article has pointed out some useful information about acne and how to get rid of it. Got any acne treatment of your own to share? What makes you have such a clearer, glowing skin? Share in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends.
So what are the other factors that cause acne? What are the flare-up factors? Find out at,
©Copyright 2014 Josh Manuel
Josh Manuel is a beauty and skin care enthusiast who helps men and women reach their full potential and gain greater self-confidence by finding their beauty from the inside out. Visit and grab the FREE report "Cheat Sheet For Being Beautiful - The Secrets To Easy Beauty With No Difficulties".
Over 4000 people have used the free report to have better looks and a vibrant life they love waking up to. Sign up free.

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What Causes Acne And The Flare-Up Factors?

What causes acne? This question boggles the minds of lots of people and they want to know and possibly find a solution to their acne problem. But what really gives rise to this skin condition is not known - no one has a clue.
Though there have been endless researches conducted to find out what causes acne, nothing has really been known to be the primary cause of this skin disorder.
However, skin experts and researchers, have come to the conclusion that there are some factors connected to acne and really contributes to the development of acne.
Some studies indicate that what causes acne or the primary causes of acne are genetics and hormones.
But it is believed that these causes cannot be justified for every case. For example, factors like the types of cosmetics you use, medication, as well as your personal hygiene (meaning how you cleanse your skin) are also known to contribute to acne development.
It is also known that our environment can also be another factor. The people who work or are exposed to grease and oil also have the tendency to develop acne on their skin since the oil can clog pores.
Let us look into details what causes acne
During puberty, our body goes through a lot of changes and starts producing hormones known as androgens - male sex hormones - produced in girls as well. They cause over stimulation and increases the size of the sebaceous glands found in the skin pores or in the hair follicles.
The extra oil produced by the sebaceous glands mix together with bacteria and dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and this blocks pores. On the inside of the blocked pore, the bacteria multiplies and they causes inflammation which at the end leads to acne.
Teenagers are more prone to developing acne due to the hormonal changes they go through during puberty. Research indicates that about 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 25 will have acne at some point in their life.
A lot remains mysterious about what causes acne but it is also believed that the hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, as well as menopause are also factors the contribute to acne development.
Women who also use birth control are also known to have acne at some point.
Another researched factor is genetics or heredity. Many dermatologists and researchers have taken as true that acne can be inherited from parents.
However, some scientists believe that acne is not some sort of disease that can be inherited.
But several studies showed that acne is more common in teenagers whose parents have suffered from this skin condition at some point in their lives or still suffer from acne.
Other Factors That Lead to Acne
Medication is another factor that leads to acne development. This is because the side effects of some medications can cause acne. For instance, antidepressants, barbiturates, lithium, anti-anxiety medications, and some kinds of steroids.
Heavy or Oily Cosmetics
Ingredients found in some cosmetics affect the hair follicles and lead to over-production of sebum, and later clogs skin pores.
Over-Abrasive Cleansing
Some facial products such as astringent can make the skin dry out causing overproduction of sebum.
Flare Up Factors
These are factors that can cause an existing acne to worsen (flare up).
Environmental irritants
As I said earlier on, people working in garages and factories have the tendency to develop acne and if they already have it, some oils and chemicals at their workplace can really worsen their skin condition.
Heavy Scrubbing of Skin
Skin care experts advice never to squeeze your blackheads or whiteheads since squeezing can lead to more serious infections leading to scarring.
Whilst there are a lot of diet myths about acne, it is believed that there are some foods that can actually contribute to acne flare-ups.
So there you have - what causes acne. Know that we are all different and unique in our own way, some have dry skin and others have oily skin. What could make John have acne might not make Jane have hers. I drink or consume diet high in sugar today and the next morning I wake up with pimple on my forehead. But you wouldn't experience such a situation - your case might be different. So know what causes your pimple or acne and do your best to avoid them. Know what works for you and stick it.
I believe this article has pointed out some useful skin care tips on acne. Got any acne treatment of your own to share? What makes you have such a clearer, glowing skin? Share in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends.
Do you have acne? Are you frustrated about it? Do you want to know the tips you can use to get rid of acne? If yes, you can easily achieve a clearer skin by visiting:
©Copyright 2014 Josh Manuel
Josh Manuel is a beauty and skin care enthusiast who helps men and women reach their full potential and gain greater self-confidence by finding their beauty from the inside out. Visit and grab the FREE report "Cheat Sheet For Being Beautiful - The Secrets To Easy Beauty With No Difficulties".
Over 4000 people have used the free report to have better looks and a vibrant life they love waking up to. Sign up free.

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Get Rid of Acne Scars Using Home Remedies

Most cases of acne are reported to affect teenagers. However, this does not mean that being an adult makes you acne free. Homemade acne scar removal mitigates the disfiguring effects of acne. These remedies provide an option against acne scars that is both accessible and affordable.
The options available for removal of acne scars produce different results. Some remedies are tasking in their application and their results are minimal. The reputation of these remedies is usually over exaggerated. Others promise mythical results that can be very confusing to the end-users. Fortunately, there are options that will give you tangible results. Some remedies offer you quick, practical and effective results.
Most homemade ingredients for removing acne scars are readily available in most kitchens. These homemade remedies are free from the harmful toxic effects of industrial ingredients. The extracts used in these remedies provide vital healing solutions for ugly scars.
Citrus Based Remedies
The citric acid present in vegetables and fruits is very vital for lightening the affected spots. Juice from citric fruits can be applied on the face or skin. This can be left on the skin during the night and rinsed off the following morning. If you keep up this routine you can get your scars faded and have your skin redness toned down.
Lemon juice is a much preferred choice for your skin care needs. Lemon juice has long been used for conditions that include treating blemishes, acne scar and age spots. Applying lemon juice on the skin boosts the elasticity of your skin while at the same time improving its complexion and skin tone. This acid sterilizes the skin effectively and stalls bacterial infection which accelerates the spread of acne pimples.
Lemon juice has a soothing and refreshing effect when applied on the skin. The juice also acts as a natural toner and cleanser especially when left on the skin overnight. If you require a natural toning effect, it is also advisable to leave a slice of lemon on your skin overnight.
Tomatoes too are rich in vitamin A and C reserves. Vitamin C impedes the secretion of sebum which is responsible for promoting acne breakouts. Wearing a tomato pulp mask overnight can fade acne scars.
These vitamins benefit your skin by rejuvenating and slowing down the aging effect. The tomato therapy needs ample time before its effects can set in. It is necessary to maintain a skin care routine regularly to achieve a skin beautifying effect.
Lemon Juice Toner- This rich source of vitamin helps to get rid of free radicals from your skin. The potent acidic content of lemon juice stimulates cell regeneration and helps in replacing dead skin cells. Repairing the damaged skins accelerates the growth of new skin.
Acne can leave behind unsightly scars that interfere with your social life. Many have sought remedies that promise much but deliver little. Before investing in expensive remedies that promise instant results, it may be advisable to try out affordable home remedies that offer consistent results over the long run. For effective acne scar remedies Visit Don't let these ugly scars restrict your social interactions.

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What There Is To Know About Experiencing Acne Post Pregnancy

Post pregnancy acne treatment
Since you no longer have to worry about this risk of birth defects associated with pharmaceutical, and/or medicated topical ointments used for acne treatment, you can now consider these types of options.
Pharmaceuticals (pill form) that are used to treat acne include; Accutane, Roaccutane and Accutane Roche. Before taking these medications, it is suggested to seek the advice of a healthcare professional.
Medicated (pharmaceutical) topical ointment products on the market that have been proven safe and effective for treating acne include; Aczone, Azelex, Differin, Epiduo and Proactive. You should also seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using any of these medicated topicals.
For a natural approach, consider the option of using an over-the-counter (OTC) topical ointment containing benzoyl peroxide such as Benzac AC, Brevoxyl, Benzaclin and Triaz. These products do not contain harsh chemicals and can be used as a natural means for treating acne.
Effective natural ways of treating acne post pregnancy
There are two ways in which foods can be used to naturally improve the conditions of your skin and decrease overall acne. These way consist of both orally and topically. Foods that orally improve the conditions of the skin and decrease acne include; garlic, green tea, honey, kidney beans, lemon, pomegranate, salmon and whole grains. Foods that can be used to create a topical mixture for applying to the face and that are known for improving the conditions of the skin and decrease acne include; bananas, brown sugar, cucumbers, honey, lemon, milk, oatmeal, olive oil, pumpkin and yogurt.
It should be noted that in order to avoid break-outs of acne post pregnancy, you should limit your intake of the following foods; dairy products, refined grains, processed foods and high fructose corn syrups- including milk, creams, cheeses, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, chocolate, canned soups, frozen meals, lunch meats, breads, cereals, baked goods and much more.
Caring for your body after childbirth
The short period after childbirth is known as postpartum; not to be confused with postpartum depression- which is not experienced by every women who gives birth to a child or children. Postpartum occurs during the first six weeks after childbirth and is the state in which a new mom's body heals and recovers.
During this time of postpartum, it is crucial to care for your body by eating a healthy diet, exercising often, getting plenty of sleep and taking a prenatal vitamin; yes, even after giving birth.
As a new mom, you are bound to be busy. It is important to remember to eat a healthy diet and we offer to you the suggestion of purchasing healthy snacks that can be grabbed on the go. For instance, rice cakes, nuts, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and juices that are full of vitamins and other nutrients. Avoid eating foods that are high in carbohydrates and/or sugars as they are known to cause the condition of a "crash and burn."
After childbirth, it is suggested to follow a regular exercise pattern in order to lose the weight gained while pregnant and to restore the state of your body; however, do not overdo it. Consider light exercising such as; walking, jogging, jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-up, crunches and/or cardiovascular and aerobic exercises.
After giving birth, it is difficult for a new mom to find the time needed for quality sleep. In order for the process of sleep to rejuvenate and revitalizes our bodies, we must fall into a deep sleep known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Due to this factor, it is important to ensure that your body is receiving adequate each night.
During pregnancy majority of our vital nutrients are lost. In order to restore these nutrients, it is suggested to continue taking a prenatal vitamin for an additional six weeks. This will help to improve the conditions of the skin, nails and hair.
Acne post pregnancy is a common occurrence and can be treated in a number of ways. It is suggested to first implement the natural methods for curing acne before considering the option of seeking medical treatment. Most often, by a change of diet and use of foods that are a natural topical for decreasing acne, pharmaceutical drugs and/or ointments are not needed.
Let us help you to Get Rid of Pimples During and After Pregnancy. Go to looking-for-pregnancy-safe-acne-treatments
© JCS 19 Feb 2014

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Severe Acne: A Problem With Mysterious Causes

When bad acne inflames and scars your skin and also affects your self esteem, you need professional treatment. Four main types of severe acne can cause chronic breakouts. Unfortunately while there are a number of good treatments for severe acne, the causes remain somewhat of a mystery.
What Is Severe Acne?
The pimple that pops up every so often - no matter how big and red it is, or how terrible the timing may be - isn't considered severe acne. Even a monthly acne breakout with a few bumps here and there that disappear isn't typically serious enough to need the extensive treatment that acne requires.
Severe acne is diagnosed when extremely red, inflamed, and deep acne lesions called cysts occur to the extent that they actually disfigure the skin. This level of acne causes significant scarring and permanently damages the skin.
A dermatologist can help treat acne, typically with an oral medication. Acne scars may need treatment as well, often with a procedure like microdermabrasion to remove the damaged layers of skin.
The Four Main Types of Severe Acne
There are other types, but these are the most common:
Nodulocystic acne. The distinguishing feature of nodulocystic acne is inflamed cysts, which are bumps filled with pus, fluid, or some other material. These painful cysts can be large - a few centimeters in size - and are most often found on the:
1. Shoulders
2. Back
3. Chest
4. Neck
5. Face
One cyst may occur independently, or you may have large groups of cysts clustered together. Nodulocystic acne is difficult to treat, but treatment options include:
Acne surgery - drainage and excision of the cysts
Corticosteroid injections into the cyst
Acne conglobata - Acne conglobata is a type of severe chronic acne - meaning it's an issue that you always have to deal with and can never truly cure, although you can manage symptoms with treatment. It strikes men more often than women, usually between the ages of 18 and 30.
The first sign of acne conglobata may be pimples that get worse instead of better, eventually forming inflamed, infected nodules. These nodules are filled with pus and may have a foul odor. Acne conglobata may occur in people who used to have acne that has been managed well for years, but suddenly returns.
The most common symptoms of acne conglobata are:
Deeply inflamed abscesses in the skin
Blackheads that are typically found on the buttocks, torso, upper arm area, neck, and face
Deep scars
Significant damage to the skin
Red, inflamed bumps often develop surrounding blackheads or whiteheads, get larger, and finally start to seep pus. Ulcers may develop beneath these bumps, causing scarring and crusting over.
Acne conglobata is most often treated with isotretinoin, sometimes in addition to antibiotics. It's important to continue working with a dermatologist to treat and prevent any recurrent episodes of this type of severe acne.
Acne fulminans. This type of acne is characterized by sudden and severe inflammation that affects the entire body. Its symptoms include:
Joint pain and inflammation, most often in the knees and hips
Severe acne with ulcers
Acne fulminans often develops following acne conglobata, when treatment has been attempted but failed. Treatment focuses on managing the inflammation, so non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often prescribed. Corticosteroid drugs may also be needed to help control inflammation. This recurrent type of acne should be monitored and treated over the long-term by a dermatologist, and may need treatment with the systemic medication isotretinoin.
Gram negative folliculitis. Gram negative folliculitis is a type of infection that looks like bad acne. It occurs when follicles in the skin become inflamed from a bacterial infection. It can sometimes develop in people who are trying to treat another form of severe acne with topical or oral antibiotics over a long period of time.
A Gram stain is used to detect certain bacteria; those that do not turn blue when introduced to the Gram stain are known as "Gram negative."
Gram negative folliculitis can be difficult to treat, because the bacteria don't respond to many antibiotics used to treat severe acne. However, isotretinoin and certain antibiotics (often ampicillin and Proloprim, or trimethoprim) can successfully treat Gram negative folliculitis.
Without treatment, these four types of acne can cause significant scarring and damage to the skin, as well as emotional problems and low self-esteem. All types of severe acne should be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist, and many of them can be successfully managed.

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An Overview of Acne - All About Acne

We've all been there: the morning of a big date or important meeting, you look in the mirror to discover a major breakout. Whether it's just one pimple or a cluster, acne is one common problem that has several solutions.
What Is Acne?
Acne, or acne vulgaris, occurs when glands in the skin produce and secrete too much of the skin's natural oil, called sebum. Sebum clogs pores in the skin, resulting in a pimple - or, worse, several pimples. Bacteria in the sebum can cause inflammation and worsen the acne.
A pimple or acne breakout can pop up anywhere, but usually strikes the face. Other common areas for acne breakouts include the neck, shoulders, chest, and back.
Acne is a very common problem - actually, it's the most common skin condition affecting people in the United States. As many as 50 million Americans live with acne, and most of them are in their teen or young adult years. Although anyone can get acne - boys, girls, men, and women - at any age or stage of life, it's most common in teens. About 85 percent of teenagers will eventually get acne.
Causes of Acne
Acne can be caused or exacerbated by a number of different things, including:
Changes in hormone levels (such as during puberty or menstruation)
Cosmetics or hair or skin products
Having a family history of acne
Some medications
Something rubbing on the skin (like a hat or helmet)
Vigorous scrubbing of the skin
Acne Treatment and Prevention
There are several different acne treatment options, and which one is best for you depends on how severe your acne is. A good skin care regimen is often the first line of defense for mild acne or the occasional pimple - that means washing your face no more than twice a day (but always after sweating) with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water.
Sometimes, more treatment is needed to keep skin healthy. To clear up or prevent an acne breakout, you can try:
Over-the-counter medicated cleansers, lotions, creams, gels, face pads, and morePrescription-strength topical ointments, creams, lotions, and other acne treatments
Oral prescription treatments, including antibiotics or oral contraceptives for women
Isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis, Amnesteem, Accutane, and others), a pill prescribed to manage very severe acne
Injections of a corticosteroid
Laser treatments, including blue light therapy, pulsed light and heat energy therapy and diode laser treatment.
If you have acne, you will probably have to treat it for for a long period of time - not just during an acne breakout. Work with a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate treatment for your acne, and how long you should follow the treatment regimen. It's important not to stop acne treatment before your doctor says it's okay - otherwise, you run the risk of having another acne breakout just when your skin starts to clear.
Without treatment, you may experience persistent acne breakouts and scarring of the skin, as well as anxiety and low self-esteem. Often, acne will clear up after you're out of the teen years, but even some adults struggle with acne and problem skin and need treatment for it.
You don't have to deal with persistent acne - nor should you. Try over-the-counter treatments and healthy habits to help clear up problem skin, or for more severe acne see a dermatologist for prescription-strength treatments.

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Acne Treatment - Find The Best Acne Treatment For You

Acne is a very common, sometimes serious skin condition. While mild cases of acne can usually be treated with over-the-counter products, more severe cases may require the expertise of a dermatologist who can recommend prescription drugs.
"The medications one uses for acne depend on type and severity," says Adelaide A. Hebert, MD, a professor in the dermatology department at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School.
Acne treatment may involve combinations of different kinds of medication: Some remove the dead skin and oils that clog pores and create acne, while other types of acne treatment target the formation of cysts typical of severe acne. Still other acne treatment works by attacking overgrowths of Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria that occurs naturally on your skin but can cause acne when its growth is uncontrolled.
In talking to your dermatologist about acne treatment, you should be familiar with the types of treatment your doctor might recommend.
Prescription Medications for Acne
Acne treatments include:
Retinoids. These are chemical products based on vitamin A. They're effective against blackheads and whiteheads as well as severe, or inflammatory, acne.
"Retinoids work by exfoliating the clogged pores (removing dead skin cells)," says dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, of the University of Miami Cosmetic Center. "This class includes Differin (adapalene), which is good for sensitive skin; Retin A and Renova (tretinoin), which is good for most patients; and Tazorac (tazarotene), which is good for severe cases."
All are prescription medications. Dr. Woolery-Lloyd warns that each of these acne treatments can cause skin irritation when you first use them, but this should clear up within two weeks.
Common forms of acne such as whiteheads, blackheads, and inflammatory acne can be treated with retinoids, says Dr. Hebert, whereas cystic acne requires stronger medication, such as isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis, Amnesteem, Accutane). Despite the serious side effects associated with isotretinoin, including birth defects, seizures, and stroke, Hebert says, "If you have true, severe, scarring acne and no other risk factors, it's still the best choice." Nevertheless, because of isotretinoin's risks, it's important that you remain under the close supervision of a doctor while taking it.
Benzoyl peroxide. "Benzoyl peroxide works as an antibacterial," Woolery-Lloyd explains. That means that this acne treatment fights germs that could be contributing to your acne. It is available over the counter and by prescription.
"Benzoyl peroxide also can be drying, but is well tolerated by most people," she says. One significant drawback to this acne treatment is that it bleaches any hair or fabric it comes into contact with.
Antibiotics. Topical antibiotics are creams applied to your skin. They fight bacteria that could be contributing to your acne. Occasionally, a dermatologist might prescribe an antibiotic to be taken by mouth for acne. If your doctor recommends an oral antibiotic, you should know that they often increase sensitivity to sun, Woolery-Lloyd says.
Oral antibiotics prescribed for acne include:
Tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline
Topical antibiotics for acne include:
Azelaic acid
Sodium sulfacetamide
Birth control pills: Another prescription medication that may be useful in women with acne is an oral contraceptive, which can help regulate hormones that may be contributing to your acne.
Many dermatologists recommend combinations of medications, such using a topical antibiotic with a retinoid. No matter which acne treatments you use, if they're not working and you continue to have bouts of acne, talk to your doctor. You may need to step up your program, or change it a little, for better results.

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Why Do I Get Hormonal Acne? Is It Due To Hormonal Changes, Or Something Else?

Experts have always known there was some sort of link between hormones and acne. Hormonal acne typically presents itself around age 20-25 and is most persistent in women over the age of 30. This over 20 group is gaining more attention and a multi-dimensional look at both causes and treatments.
If you have sudden onset of adult acne for the first time, you should check with your doctor whether the culprit could be a cause other than hormonal changes. Pregnancy and menopause are also times when hormones dramatically shift creating the potential for sudden onset or increased acne breakouts.
A recent survey of hormonal acne sufferers revealed that early half of all women experience acne flare-ups during the week before their period.1 Why? Estrogen levels reach their peak at mid-cycle, then decline as you approach your period, when the progesterone levels produced by your ovaries increase, stimulating oil production in the sebaceous glands. Pores become blocked, creating a perfect environment for acne bacteria to multiply, creating an inflammatory blemish. Hormonal breakouts usually evidence themselves on the lower face, especially the chin and jaw line, although sometimes they will also show up on neck, chest and shoulders as inflamed lesions, blackheads or cystic-type acne. Hormonal acne is typically moderate and may cease for a time between monthly cycles - but it can be devastating when it pops up right before that important dinner party!
Big contributors to hormonal acne can be the foundations, moisturizer and sunscreens that you use on your skin. Products geared toward the needs of aging skin do not put as much focus on being non-comedogenic (tested to not clog pores). Sunscreens, although a necessary part of skincare, are big culprits for breakouts. Keep experimenting until you find one that works without breaking you out. Also, mineral foundations and blushes that incorporate the ingredient Bismuth Oxychloride can cause cystic breakouts on cheeks and jaw line. Check your ingredients very carefully when choosing a mineral make-up.
If you think you have hormonal acne, regardless of your stage of life, it's always best to consult your dermatologist first. Find a natural acne treatment that uses salicylic acid (the most gentle that works by opening your pores through removal of dead skin cells from the pore) or benzoyl-peroxide, (if you can tolerate it, as it is more harsh on the skin, and don't mind using a chemical treatment). Importantly, look for a regime that also includes non-comedogenic hydration for your skin, as these treatments tend to be drying. Your dermatologist may recommend the addition of a prescription treatment as well.
Besides daily, low dose acne treatment, diet and exercise can be important factors in keeping your skin clear from hormonal acne. A healthy, low-fat diet of fresh foods, and an active lifestyle, can do wonders in helping your skin cells stay healthy -- reduce stress too. All of these factors are key in preventing hormonal acne breakouts.
1. Kraning KK, Odland GF: Prevalence, morbidity and cost of dermato- logic diseases. J Invest Dermatol 73:395-401, 1979 (suppl)
There is a way to treat hormonal acne without harsh chemicals and side effects. Relogy Skincare was designed as the perfect solution for your skin which combines next gen science with natural, fresh ingredients. To shop our products, or learn more about your skin and acne, visit Thanks for reading!

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9 Bad Skin Habits That Lead To Acne

Clear, healthy, blemish-free skin is a dream for many - and though you can't do anything about your hormones or hereditary, two main causes of acne, you can alter your daily routine to improve your skin's appearance. Break your skin care bad habits to prevent acne and enjoy the healthy glow of clear skin.
Acne, the term for what's commonly called pimples or zits, occurs when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells clog hair follicles. People with oily skin may be more susceptible to pimples because of their acne-prone skin, but breaking bad habits can still help them - and everyone else - prevent acne.
Break These Acne-Causing Habits
Here are the top bad habits that can take a toll on your acne-prone skin, resulting in pimples and blemishes:
Bad Habit No. 1: Washing your skin too often
Though it's important to keep your skin clean, washing it too often will only make acne worse. Instead, wash your face in the morning when you wake and at night before bed.
Bad Habit No. 2: Vigorously scrubbing your skin
Scrubbing your skin with a washcloth, loofah, or harsh exfoliant will cause significant irritation - and may worsen your acne-prone skin. To prevent acne, always wash with only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser.
Bad Habit No. 3: Not cleaning sweaty skin
After you've had a tough workout or been outside in the hot sun, your skin may be covered with sweat. Don't let it dry on your skin - instead, always bathe or wash your skin promptly after sweating.
Bad Habit No. 4: Picking at your skin and popping your pimples
While it may be irresistible to pick or pop pimples, these behaviors can cause increased redness from squeezing the pus deeper into the skin and sometimes even scarring. Instead, keep your hands off your face and let pimples go back down to size with the help of an anti-acne lotion or cream.
Bad Habit No. 5: Skipping the shampoo
If you've got oily hair, that oil can seep down onto your face - and cause pimples. Make sure you wash your hair each day to keep excess oil off of your forehead, face, and back to help prevent acne.
Bad Habit No. 6: Getting hair products on your face
It's important to keep hair spray, gel, mousse, or other hair products off your face to prevent them from clogging up your pores. Cover your face when applying these products to keep them on your hair and off your skin.
Bad Habit No. 7: Eating greasy foods
While the food that you eat doesn't cause acne, greasy foods can make acne-prone skin worse because of the excess oil and grease that can get on the skin from the food itself. So stick to a healthy diet without greasy, fried foods to spare your skin - and your health.
Bad Habit No. 8: Using cosmetics that contain oil
If you've got acne-prone skin, the last thing you want to do is introduce even more oil. When you buy makeup and other skin products, look for oil-free options labeled with the terms "non-acnegenic" or "non-comedogenic" to help prevent acne.
Bad Habit No. 9: Stopping your acne treatment
If you're using prescription acne medications for your pimples, it's great news when your skin starts to clear up. But that doesn't mean you're free to stop using your medication. To keep a recurrent breakout at bay, finish all of your prescription acne medications as recommended by your doctor unless directed otherwise.
Replace your bad skin care habits and practices with good ones to help bring acne under control. With a few simple changes, your skin - not your pimples - will be glowing.

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The Truth About Acne - 5 Common Myths About Acne

If you're trying to find out what's behind your acne breakout, first get the facts about acne.
Clare A. Pipkin, MD, a dermatologist and an assistant professor of medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine, clears up some of the confusion about acne.
Acne Myth No. 1: Poor Hygiene Causes Acne
A lot of people have heard this one - that acne is caused by dirty skin.
"Some patients believe this and end up washing their face numerous times a day, sometimes scrubbing vigorously and using harsh astringents," says Dr. Pipkin. In fact, washing your skin too frequently and too aggressively can make an acne breakout much worse.
"Ultimately, this can lead to irritated, traumatized skin that looks worse after treatment," Pipkin says.
Instead, wash your face only once or twice a day with lukewarm water, a mild cleanser, and gentle motion - no scrubbing or harsh abrasive products needed. Make sure one of those times you're washing your face is in the evening, to remove makeup and dirt and sweat from the day.
Acne Myth No. 2: Squeeze Those Pimples
When that pimple sprouts, you may not be able to resist the temptation to squeeze it out to try to bring it down to size.
"Some patients will squeeze pimples in an attempt to try to open up a clogged pore," says Pipkin. "However, this usually leads to further inflammation, which makes the acne look worse and last longer."
Keep your hands off - and leave that pimple alone. Instead, try using an over-the-counter acne treatment gel, ointment, cream, or lotion to help it shrink. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid - they're the most effective, over-the-counter acne remedies.
Acne Myth No. 3: Junk Food Causes Acne
You may have heard that eating greasy foods and candy can cause an acne breakout. Though there are some links between diet and acne, the relationship isn't quite what you may think it is.
"Many people with acne have oily skin, so for a time people thought that greasy foods should also be avoided," says Pipkin. However, a number of studies have shown that downing foods like French fries, cheeseburgers, and chocolate doesn't have any impact at all on your skin's health. But getting that grease on your skin can make an oily complexion worse, clogging pores and leading to an acne breakout.
Greasy foods may be off the hook, but there could be other diet culprits behind your acne breakouts.
"Milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of acne. Other studies have shown that a low glycemic index diet that's high in fiber and fruits and vegetables is beneficial for acne," notes Pipkin. "So, if someone is suffering from acne, avoiding milk or sticking to a low glycemic index diet may actually be helpful."
Acne Myth No. 4: Acne Goes Away on Its Own
You don't have to suffer silently with acne - there are treatments available to clear up acne breakouts and help prevent future pimple problems.
Acne is caused by clogged pores in the skin - and they're often clogged with the skin's natural oils, says Pipkin. If your pores become clogged, the skin's natural bacteria can cause inflammation - and worsen acne.
Don't just leave a pimple to swell and mark your skin. There are plenty of treatments - both over-the-counter and prescription - available to help unclog those pores and clear up an acne breakout.
Acne Myth No. 5: Tanning Beds Clear Up Acne
If you're looking for a reason to justify using harmful tanning beds, acne treatment isn't it. This myth started years ago, when tanning beds became a popular acne remedy, says Pipkin.
"However, studies have shown that UVA light, which is the light typically used in tanning beds, does not benefit acne," she adds.
Not only does tanning not offer a benefit for acne, but it can damage your skin. "The World Health Organization has found tanning beds to be a risk factor for the development of skin cancer. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should ever use a tanning bed for acne or any other purpose," stresses Pipkin.
There are other acne myths out there as well. Ignore them, and talk with your doctor about acne treatments that will work for you.

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