mardi 15 octobre 2013

How to Know an Acne Product That Suits My Skin Type

I am a young mom living with a simple life because my work is a home-base so it doesn't requires me to look impressive and to put make ups on although I was very content with my job and as it has been months since I started working on an online job but something started to bothers me some acne breakouts and pimples started to show on my face and sometimes on my I started to look for an acne product that would help me to eliminate them because it sometimes itchy and painful plus it stresses me more than my job do.
So I search on the net some acclaimed acne product that promises to take effect on just a week or days because it is a known fact that acne product is not magical treatment that treats your acne over the night because every treatment needs some time to show its effectiveness. I want to share some of what I have searched through...
Using acne product that doesn't work? Maybe because you did not know what you are using! Shown below is some info to make your acne treatment for effective
Here's how to avoid and find out suitable acne product for your skin type:
1. Granular soap- too abrasive for acne skin sufferer.
2. Aloe Vera-best moisturizer ever for any skin type.
3. Tea Tree Oil-contains natural anti-fungal/antiseptic properties.
4. Look for a soap or solution that has a pH-balance of 4.2 to 5.6.
5. Glycerin can be found in every expensive moisturizer product in the market as it is known to moisten inside and out.
6. Eucalyptus oil-has been shown to fight infection-causing bacteria, fungi,and viruses very effectively.
Acne should be treated accordingly. Thus, acne product can have some side effects certainly consult dermatologist so he/she can prescribe a more suitable acne product for you.
Types Of Acne Product are mostly to reduce sebum (skin oil) production, imbalances within our body can cause our sebum glands to over produce oil which is a common cause of acne to appear, to avoid pimple or acne production proper cleansing is a must to keep our skin oil free because when it is oily, dust are more attracted to set in our face and directly clog pores which allows the bacteria to build up. Acne when left untreated may results to facial scarring.
Here's a short info on home remedies for acne product that treats and is inexpensive to support your acne treatment:
A coconut oil YES!!! coconut oil helps to rejuvenate the skin and it detoxified as it open the pores and releases and cleanses the skin of all types of toxin that stored for years...I am using this less 2 weeks now and it works for me.
Doing this you should also have to 1 tbsp for 3 days and slowly increase to 3 for 4 times daily and increase fruit intake and cut back from eating meat and more importantly drink sufficient water and regularly exercise to enhance the detoxification process this will complement your use of coconut oil on acne prone skin areas effectively.
Although as we women are more likely expose of stress, acne appearance is unavoidable but thanks to the technology we now have a more advance acne product that's treats our most stubborn skin problems.
Laser treatment are mostly the common acne product that heals our acne scar and removes it excellently yet it needs extra money to divulge on this but we can always resort to home remedies because acne treatments needs no limit as long as it helps our skin to stay flawless and vibrant may it be over-the-counter or home remedy acne product.
Hope you like what I shares! Enjoy reading
Royal Foust is an owner of a site on the subject of how to cure your pimples and acne. You can find more insights tips,home remedies and groundbreaking research on how people manage to get the best acne cure and treatments...everyone is free to visit our site at []

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